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  1. Kent67

    Cristatus wanted for Nat Geo film

    Ha! Yes....second week of January. January. :confused:
  2. Kent67

    Trioceros johnstoni bwindi

    My heart just skipped a couple beats. I'd be willing to offer up one each of my paired organs.
  3. Kent67

    Cristatus wanted for Nat Geo film

    Does anyone have a cristatus they'd be willing to loan to National Geographic for one day of filming during the second week of December in Chicago? Havent noticed any on here in a while.... If interested send me a pm and I'll forward you the associate producer's contact info.
  4. Kent67

    microbe worries for mistking?

    I also run a low bleach solution through mine but also change out the hoses every few months. Take a section of hose you've used a while and cut it in half, lengthwise, and take a look. I'll have to run some vinegar next time. I hadn't thought of running it through the pump instead of just...
  5. Kent67

    My new Parsons are HERE!!

    Forgot to mention: sounds like you're already familiar with the usual sources but if you want to know who I figured had gotten you into this and will send 100% wild caught as cbb feel free to pm me.
  6. Kent67

    My new Parsons are HERE!!

    That would be my dream but the wife would kick me out! They're worth every penny you're asking for a chameleon that WILL live 15+ years with the right care. I haven't posted it here before but I'm expecting my first eggs very soon, also. I hope I can pull it off, too.
  7. Kent67

    My new Parsons are HERE!!

    Interesting. Well, I hate to say it but I checked out the beginning of your thread and noticed they were supposed to be four unrelated bloodlines and that just speaks volumes. What a bummer. Hopefully legal trade in locale-specific parsonii will resume someday soon.
  8. Kent67

    My new Parsons are HERE!!

    Gotcha. If these are from who I think they're from, you should probably still have them checked for parasites (speaking from personal experience).
  9. Kent67

    My new Parsons are HERE!!

    These are wild caught??
  10. Kent67

    Christmas wish list!

    I'll take a pair of tuataras!
  11. Kent67

    Inbreeding panther chameleons

    The first translucent line originated from a wild caught that was imported to Europe and selectively bred for the trait. Localities would probably best be referred to as regional color forms rather than morphs.
  12. Kent67

    Need Help sexing my new panther Cham!

    Although I still haven't seen a pic that makes me 100% I'm still leaning male on this one. The tail base looks too thick to be female. Kelly, check out my thread here and see if you see what I mean with him in front of you. Pics...
  13. Kent67

    Parson's Chameleon Attacked by Rat

    Can't make much worse of a title, huh? Well, I've debated sharing this girl for a while but I think the story is very encouraging and worthy of documentation because it can really show how strong and resilient a chameleon that has had all of its needs met can be. First and foremost, what...
  14. Kent67

    Nosy Faly sons of Dhaulagiri

    Update on our little guy who does NOT like having his picture taken.
  15. Kent67

    Need Help sexing my new panther Cham!

    Hmm, hold on. Can you do one more picture of the full body from the side with the tail straight out?
  16. Kent67

    Swallowed adult female roach without chewing - problem?

    She's still acting fine so it must not have been too much of a problem. She definitely looked surprised!
  17. Kent67

    Swallowed adult female roach without chewing - problem?

    Yep, adult dubia. Both good points to help set my mind at ease. I've definitely had a Jackson or quad swallow a whole snail before. I'd also not considered the between segment areas. I sure hope they're weak enough to let those digestive juices in! She still has her appetite after 24 hours...
  18. Kent67

    Swallowed adult female roach without chewing - problem?

    Soooo, here's a new one: as the title says, I hand-fed a small but adult stage female dubia to a large chameleon last night. This girl is a chewer and would normally work on something that size for a while before swallowing it but this time, as she was turning it in her mouth, it seemed to run...
  19. Kent67

    Medicating with Panacur again..?

    Fenbendazole (Panacur) is very safe to use and almost impossible to give a lethal dose. It does not kill any worm eggs in the chameleon, however. So, while it may get rid of the worms with the first dose, it should be repeated after 10-14 days to kill the recently hatched worms before they...
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