I've got a couple male veileds and I've noticed they seem to calm down after about 1 1/2 years of age. When mine were young, they did the same thing. I think it has to do with being a juvenile. Their whole purpose is to eat, grow, and not get eaten. So they have a more aggressive attitude...
Heat lamp
Thanks for the find. I was just thinking about winter heat sources. I think this would be the most efficient.
Has anyone tried this product?
I used the geckocam one until my computer crashed. I found it pretty simple and useful. It's got weight, sheds, breeding, health issues, length, feeding, enclosures, etc. I tried doing the feeding thing, but after about 2 weeks of entering in daily feedings for 8 chams, I gave up. I still...
Cain, Jeweled probably has the best point to date. In my opinion, you should sell them for what you think is fair for now. But, if you have keep some holdbacks (like you plan), and those turn out a super kick ass color morph, you may have reassess the value of future clutches. But until then...
1. They don't stink
2. They are prolific breeders (on their own, no eggs or incubation) and an established colony can feed a cham without additional food purchase (besides some variety)
3. They don't jump, climb, or fly
4. They don't stink
5. You can feed them just about anything
I read the Sciencedaily article about Labordi (Malagasy Chameleon Spends Most of its Time in an Egg - July 2 2008). It didn't say when Kristopher Karsten did his study, but I'm pretty sure I've read about this species on the Forum before. I think in the post about the Asian imports where an...
I've got an 20 month male veiled that is pretty much doing the same thing. The only thing I've found him to eat is a superworm or two. He's been at it for a week or so, but hasn't lost any weight.
He'll eat 1 of something new, then quit on it as well. I'll probably hold him off for a...
It was acutally her 2nd clutch. She had an infertile clutch on her own then laid her 2nd when she was a little over a year old. I don't have any photos of the eggs.
I use RepCal w/o d-3 a few times a week and minerall w/d3 about twice a month. I didn't really bump up her calcium prior to...
I need some advice on what I can do if anything.
Backstory: My veiled layed a clutch of 41 back at the beginning of December. For some reason, a majority were undercalcified. I ended up with 4 viable eggs. They incubated in vermiculite and did well, no issues with humidity or temperature...
I like the stuff, FE! Nice and tight.
I finished my new CD this weekend and will post some of the tracks on myspace a little later, check for it. www.myspace.com/alexfromhell