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  1. AFH

    Brevicaudatus Babies

    Damn those things are cute! I may have to break down and sojourn into pygmies.
  2. AFH

    Breeding Silkworms and/or Hornworms

    Search for "silkworms 101". There's a very in depth 'how to' on silkworm breeding.
  3. AFH

    Pray for Eddie, My First and Only Cham

    I'm sorry to hear about Eddie. And I think Gesang has hit upon something I've thought about as well. Breeders generally try to sell all of their babies (that's the point) but the law of averages say some are going to be stronger and some weaker. Someone has to graduate at the bottom of the...
  4. AFH

    Why do we dust with calcium?

    You kind of answered your own question. They have such a wide variety of food items in the wild, and some are probably inherently higher in calcium than others. As for how do they bump up their calcium while gravid? I don't know. An uneducated guess would be they don't necessarily...
  5. AFH

    What do you think is the problem?

    Thanks guys. I've got two female veileds that will be ready for breeding in the next month or so, so we'll see if I'm more successful!
  6. AFH

    What do you think is the problem?

    I've had a few successful matings, but I don't seem to be getting very many fertilized eggs, or I get very few fully calcifed ones. My first clutch of veileds didn't result in any viable ones, but I chalked that up to Marie being already a year or so old and already cycling, plus I didn't let...
  7. AFH

    Just thought I would share!

    I like Maiden, too, but mostly only the live albums. The studio stuff seems to drag after you've heard them live. Hard to argue with Steve Harris' abilities!
  8. AFH

    Just thought I would share!

    Looks good Cain! I love the cake! And the Iron Maiden poster...
  9. AFH

    Need some advice, beer drinkers needed.

    "Hi, can I get a dram of whisky, and can you mix in some dirt and maybe some liquid smoke? Mmmm... urp. Sorry I threw up a little in my mouth." Speyside all the way, Trace. Abelour, Glen Dronach, Tomintoul, Glen Moray. Back to the original question. As for beer, you might want to find...
  10. AFH

    feeding adult pardalis

    I suppose it depends on the size of the locust. Locust or large grasshoppers around here get to be a 2-3 inches long and pretty robust. So if that's the size, I would say that was fine. Mine eat five 3/4 to 1 inch crickets a day, so that should give you an indication. Also try offering a...
  11. AFH

    Did Will Hayward leave the site?

    If I'm remembering correctly, Will was getting out of the biz. He said he would still try to pop on now and then. Don't quote me here, I didn't search for his last thread, but you might...
  12. AFH

    Rhocasygoth is an egg daddy!

    He's a good looking guy. Congrats! Keep us informed on the eggs.
  13. AFH


    Not sure. Maybe someone bought the site and now they are busy producing the food. I know he was selling it and getting out of the business. However, it also said that he was taking the recipe to the grave. I don't know if it went to the new owner if that's what happened. It may not be the...
  14. AFH

    i have never herd this discussed on this forum about shedding

    Their shedding starts fast a furious. I've never had one under 3 months, but at that age, it's about every 2-3 weeks, then about a month, then a couple months. After a year, it's probably 3 times a year. They never really stop growing, but they really slow down after a year. Also, when...
  15. AFH

    How good is a Chams hearing?

    To add to Justin, I think veileds are the easiest to feel the vibrations. When he's pissed off and hissing, if you'll gently touch the sides of his casque, you can feel the vibrations, kind like a growl.
  16. AFH

    Baby Panthers-Freaking Cute!

    I vote hermaphrdite. That way I'm 50% right!
  17. AFH

    is this normal?

    Yes, they pee and poop at the same time.
  18. AFH

    Pregnant Panther Supplementation?

    Does anyone increase calcium supplementation during pregnancy? Will that help ensure stronger more calcified eggs? I've had a couple clutches, but I'm having a poor rate of fully calcifed eggs, so I'm wondering if that will help.
  19. AFH

    Rock Solid Herp

    Well, damn. I've also heard their supplements were the best. Dust everyday, no overload, no guessing. Hopefully it's just a hiatus.
  20. AFH

    Rock Solid Herp

    Are these guys still in business? Anyone had any return contact? Someone on here said they sent money but never received the product.
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