I don't keep my humidity that high in the leaf tanks. I don't have temporalis, I have brevs and some brooks, but I believe their care is very similar. It has been my experience with the brevs that if you leave the humidity and "wetness" that high, you will experience more eye infections, etc...
Hi! What species do you have? If it is an elliot chameleon, then you can pretty much expect the babies to be born hungry. I don't have a ton of experience with the live bearers, but from what I have seen, they eat within an hour or two of birth. I have been feeding this new clutch pinhead...
Ha, they are doing well. All of them seem to be perky and chasing down pinheads just like they are supposed to be. I know you have a secret desire to own some elliots.. :p
Have you seen this design for a cricket keeper? I have never used it, but it sounds similar to what you are looking at doing. http://web.archive.org/web/20060521215841/www.chameleonjournals.com/husbandry/index.php?show=Cricket.Box.html
As suggested in that article, I use an old, not very...
That is awesome, Trace! How long did that take you... :D
Let me know if there is a legal way to ship some of these fellas to you, I really will send some your way.
It seems like the 24 inch ones are the hardest to find with wired cords. I have wired in cords on some in the past, and put on reflectors as well. I used aluminum tape to put behind the lights as a reflector, and screwed on flashing on the side of the light. Necessity is a good motivator...
I like the ceramic fixtures too, but most feed stores have them for about half the price of reptile specific lighting. They are used for chick brooding, and run about $7.00 at my local feed store.