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  1. Heika

    Sacramento Reptile Show

    I am about 300 miles from Sacramento. That really isn't all that far for a good reptile show. :rolleyes: There will be some good chameleon breeders there.. here is the vendor list. I thought Blue Beast was planning on being there...
  2. Heika

    Rate my Veiled Chameleon Setup and Care!

    [/COLOR] That female is a big girl.. she can easily handle adult crickets. Personally, I wouldn't be feeding her more than 10 insects every other day, mainly because she is a bit chubby. She is also receptive.. see the blue in her? It is possible she will develop an infertile (or fertile...
  3. Heika

    Handing misting

    Hi Debbie, Some people like to use warm water in their misters and drippers. I use room temperature. The only thing to really avoid is cold water. Just like people, most chams don't appreciate a cold shower. :p Heika
  4. Heika

    Sacramento Reptile Show

    I would love to go to that show. I am not going to make it this year, though.
  5. Heika

    A live birth

    Yeah, that is Jane Wayne, and she is a real trooper. She is doing great! I keep telling you I will box them up and ship them overnight in a box labled fruitcakes.. :D
  6. Heika

    A live birth

    Mom is doing great! She was hungry when she finished, and ate several silkworms.
  7. Heika

    A live birth

    Thanks, everyone. Looks like she is all done now. 9 were born alive and frisky, and one born at about half the size of the others with problems. That little guy didn't make it, but the others seem to be doing great. This is a welcome addition.. I have a CH clutch of the same species that is...
  8. Heika

    A live birth

    I discovered one of the elliot females giving birth today and couldn't resist taking a few pictures. Here are the first few minutes of one newborn's life: No, that isn't a huge turd.. Wiggle wiggle, gotta get out of the sack.. Getting there! Bursting the sack makes for a...
  9. Heika

    Anyone in the US want to trade some eggs?

    I have actually dropped a full containers of eggs before.. doh.. that were within a couple weeks of hatching. The eggs ended up in a pile on the floor. I picked them all back up and put them back in the container, and ended up with a good hatch rate anyhow.
  10. Heika

    Anyone in the US want to trade some eggs?

    Sorry, this is a really old advert. I am not interested in trading or selling eggs now, and really think that chameleon eggs don't do exceptionally well in shipping. Thanks for the interest..
  11. Heika

    Food Choices, or lack thereof

    Grasshoppers and locusts are controlled by the USDA here in the US. They are considered to be a pest insect, and can't be shipped over state lines in most cases. I spoke to a USDA guy about grasshoppers and a couple other insects, and he said that grasshoppers can be shipped over state lines...
  12. Heika

    Dilepis babies

    Hey Filip, Have you talked to anyone about shipping you some supplements yet? If not.. let us know. I would be happy to pick some up and ship them to you as well. How are your little guys doing? Heika
  13. Heika


    I don't know, Jake.. maybe try it and drop a thermometer in there to see what the high and low temps are.
  14. Heika


    Can you set the temps on yours, Jake? The ones that I have seriously looked at have thermostats that allow you to set it up to about 75 degrees. I know some people on the forum are using a little refrigerator that has an adjustable thermostat as well.
  15. Heika

    12 week old veiled

    Hi Debbie, From what I can see of the pics, she looks great. She is large for being only 12 weeks. Heika
  16. Heika


    Hey Jake, I keep my eggs in a cabinet in the hallway.. there is central AC in the house, and it keeps the temps about perfect. If there wasn't, I would seriously consider purchasing a wine cooler refrigerator. They are fairly inexpensive, and you can set the temps on them to whatever you...
  17. Heika

    DIY Auto mister questions

    I used this DIY system when I only had a few cages.. the only change I made was to add a filter to it. Refrigerator ice machine filters are conveniently sized at 1/4" on the ends and are much less expensive than ones made for misting systems...
  18. Heika

    breeding house flies

    When I buy flies, I get them from that company. They are truly awesome.. great people to do business with, and the prices are so very reasonable. So is Grubco, though.. haven't seen a chameleon turn down a blue bottle fly before. Heika
  19. Heika

    Baby veileds

    Congratulations, Jordan! What pretty little guys!
  20. Heika

    Dilepis babies

    How about a list of the analysis, Filip?
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