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  1. Ocelot357

    eating less.. and breathing heavnly when picked up

    20 degrees is way too low, the lowest should be 55 degrees! hes gonna freeze!
  2. Ocelot357

    panther chameleon eating plants

    maybe hes just trying to show the new plants whos boss, he probably thinks theyre new
  3. Ocelot357

    panther chameleon eating plants

    that fine as long as he eats his normal food. also make sure plant is t toxic!
  4. Ocelot357

    Blind and lethargic with RI... HELP!

    Get him to a vet ASAP. could be a supplement issue but its hard to tell when we dont have any info on your setup
  5. Ocelot357

    Is it better in the sun

    55 at night is ok i think thats the lowest i would let it long as it gets warm enough during the day, i would 80 to 92 would be ideal for day temps
  6. Ocelot357

    Outdoor Nosy Be , should I be dusting?...

    Thanks!.... Appreciate the help!. Will go out and get some calcium today after work and start looking into more gut load!
  7. Ocelot357

    Outdoor Nosy Be , should I be dusting?...

    What do you recommend?
  8. Ocelot357

    Outdoor Nosy Be , should I be dusting?...

    My Nosy Be panther is out 24/7, for now until the temps start dropping. Should I be dusting his food?. I feed him Crickets, Silkworms and Dubai roaches... I mix it up and give him a bit of all 3 every day. Should I be still dusting them?. Or should I start when I bring him indoors?.
  9. Ocelot357

    sperm plug?

    yea, give him a day.... let him remove it himself, if he cant remove it yourself but be gentle.
  10. Ocelot357

    ADVICE Please! Poss Beginning Panther URI

    could possibly be a respiratory problem, mucus build up. Maybe you are misting too much, every 2 hours?. Seems a lot to me. he needs dry periods too. I only mist mine like twice a day, once in morning for 4 minutes and same in late noon like 3pm
  11. Ocelot357

    ADVICE Please! Poss Beginning Panther URI

    how many times a week r you dusting his food? and do you cover them completely with the dust?.
  12. Ocelot357

    Sick Oliver on Ceftaz

    give him more sun, get him outside all day if you can, as long as it doesnt go past 90 degrees youre good
  13. Ocelot357

    Burn Marks?.... Skin Disease?

    Yea, going to see dr. Tom Greek next week.
  14. Ocelot357

    Sick Oliver on Ceftaz

    good to hear he is showing some sort of recovery, natural sunlight is one of the best things u can do for your cham, if possible , keep him out all day. It will help his immune system, try to feed him something he doesnt usually eat, like a silkworm, they love those!
  15. Ocelot357

    grey swell (sorta) under my Jackson Chameleons right eye

    upload a picture, will help. Taking him to a reptile/amphibian vet is a good idea
  16. Ocelot357

    White lump on my chameleons face

    a picture will help
  17. Ocelot357

    Burn Marks?.... Skin Disease?

    I bought this cham from the reptile expo and i did notice these marks on him when i bought it but didnt think much of it since i got it for a good price for $200, @ 11 mnths... i said why not. Now that ive had a good look at it, im curious to what it is. Its not getting worse, just want to see...
  18. Ocelot357

    Heating/lighting question

    yea that should b ok, face the uVB lamp opposite of the heat lamp.
  19. Ocelot357

    Heating/lighting question

    keep him outside, the temps are perfect out here right now. Just put his cage out in area where he will get good sun. Also make sure he has shade if he needs it. He will thank you for it. ive been keeping my new nosy be out 24/7 he loves it. As for you being at work when you have it i doors ...
  20. Ocelot357

    rudis chameleon taming

    No, there is no way to tame it. Chameleons need to be left alone, got to remember its not a dog/cat/bird etc. If your cham isnt tame when you get it, dont force it. Unless you get him/ her real young and get him used to it.
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