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  1. Ninkylou

    My cham info.

    Tee Hee just keeping you on your toes...
  2. Ninkylou

    My cham info.

    You will love having them. I use a feeder cup made from a creamer container, kind of like the sunny D feeder if you search that on google. I leave home at 0530, I just toss feeders in that in the morning. Their lights come on at 0600 and they get first rain showers at 0730. (i have an...
  3. Ninkylou

    Plant lights

    I use a 6500k LED bulb. I like them they are bright and add a negligible amount of additional heat. Was about 12$ at loses. Looks just light a regular incandescent bulb and fits in my current fixture
  4. Ninkylou

    My cham info.

    The set up looks nice, I would be concerned about how close some of those vines are to the lights, the chams can get burned easily if they go to close to the top. I would drop them down so they are at least 6" from the top. You mention substrate. Most chameleon keepers go with a bare cage...
  5. Ninkylou

    cheap DIY food bowl

    Looks good, however you might find the chams flicking out their tongues at the bugs through the plastic....they are not too bright that way. I ended up using opaque plastic because my rocket scientists could not figure it out...
  6. Ninkylou

    baby veild questiona The Veiled Care sheets will help you as will the other Care Resources, I would recommend reading up on care and keeping before bringing the little guy home. That is a very young chameleon, if he's that tiny. If that is your first I...
  7. Ninkylou

    Baby Chameleon Care Help!

    Welcome to the forums You have come to the right place of help, but people are going to need more information about your chameleon and setup up. Please complete the form to ask for help and you will get all kinds of information.
  8. Ninkylou

    Lighting Suggestions?

    I have a single hood that has a 48" linear UVB I'm using a 10.0 and has places for 4 incandescent bulbs. I have it over 2 enclosures with 100 watt bulb and a LED bulb in each socket. Here it is on Amazon, they have other sizes, I love that its all in one...
  9. Ninkylou

    Any crafty people?

    Lowes sells hanging plant chains, they have hooks that you could hook onto the lip of the fixture.
  10. Ninkylou

    Dragon Strand caging is fantastic!

    I have 2 Large Keeper cages arriving on Friday I'm really excited!! They look super and I love the drainage pan concept. I'll post pics and a review once I am set up.
  11. Ninkylou


    I'm a fan of the big Sheffelera's and the Pothos. I make sure that my plants have lots of drainage and I try to keep my Raindomes from dripping right into my plants. I have additional plant lighting to aid in keeping the plants alive.
  12. Ninkylou

    Dubias. New theory about breeding.

    I had mine in a closet that had wire shelving and I hung a dome with a ceramic heater over the open Dubia bin. The temps inside were adequate and nothing was directly under or on the heat source that could melt or burn. I sat the bin on the floor and used zip ties to attach the dome light to...
  13. Ninkylou

    New to this site ... Some help pleaseee :)

    Welcome!! Welcome to the forums. I would recommend reading the Care Sheets for Veiled Chameleons from the Care Resources Link here on the site. They will help you to understand the needs of your new pet for enclosures, light, heat, supplements & food. Pretty much forget everything they told...
  14. Ninkylou

    Heating Concern

    what's the purpose of the Red Bulb? I would just go with a straight daylight spectrum incandescent. You should be able to get your temps where you need them. I keep a few from 40 - 150 watt and swap them out as needed depending on the weather etc, if the ambient room temperature varies. They...
  15. Ninkylou

    Just got my new Chameleons!!!

    yup, yup gotta have pictures. I have a Cowboy boy, he is awesome. Bruce has some great chameleons.
  16. Ninkylou

    Crushing their heads?

    I have never crushed them, the chams jaw do a fine job of it in a few seconds.
  17. Ninkylou

    mist king temp

    Be careful, the warmer water will encourage bacterial growth and you will really be diligent keeping it all clean.
  18. Ninkylou

    Reptibreeze vs. diy cages

    I just ordered 2 new large enclosures with drainage trays from our new sponsor Dragon Strand. I have just destroyed my DIY cages (operator failure) but one thing I did notice was the screen pulling off the sides and the screws on the doors were really loose after I had taken it down and put it...
  19. Ninkylou

    Back from Vet.

    You need to create a thread of your own in the health clinic. Fill out the form as directed rather than adding to old threads. People will need information about your cham to answer your questions. Instead of hitting reply, when you are in the Health Clinic section hit the New Thread...
  20. Ninkylou

    New MALE CBB AMbilObE Name help and PIX

    I vote for Simba, Pascal is to predictable.
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