Just mount the misting nozzle above the screen as high as you can without it spraying the lights. You will get misting and drips.
You probably already know but its worth repeteing.. you shouldn't use weather you see your chameleon drink as an indication of thier hydration. Watch the color of...
Judge the cage size by their ability to find the crickets. You want a cage that's big enough for them to roam but not too big where crickets can hide in unused parts of the cage.
It's all about the crickets.
I'm working on a new cage for my male and one for my female. I was able to come up with a nifty way to get two XXL reptibreezes to mount side by side. I also got both doors to open from the middle. Im pretty happy with the way it turned out. Now to start on the stand
Can anyone say double...
The differences between Lisa and Marge are amazing.
Marge is timid in the cage, easy going when you get her out. Marge will even eat roaches right from my hand. Food is priority in my Marge's life. Marge LasVegas neon red on the top of her head and back. Her body color at rest is a litght tan...