Transferring babies.


Avid Member
Hey all.

I'm raising 3 hatchling Panthers I hatched from eggs. They are 4, 3 & 2 weeks old, at the moment. #'s 1 & 3 are doing great, eating like pigs, etc... #2 is a runt, but somehow hanging in there.

All 3 are in separate enclosures because they all hatched a week apart and from different clutches.

Just wondering how old they should be before putting them into bigger cages?
I have a big 4ft high, screen cage waiting.

I'm planning on keeping just 1, at this point, and selling the other 2. (we'll see if I actually go through with it. LOL! How do I choose?!)

#1 is growing really well, so I know he can't stay in his current "nursery" much longer. He's really active and likes moving around a lot.

I appreciate any advice. Thanks!
I wouldn't transfer them to a 4 foot enclosure until they are at least 4 months... but that also depends on your nursery cage size?
I didn't move my chameleon into his 4 ft enclosure until he was 5 months old. The babies are WAY too small to go into a cage of that size. You can move them into a small reptibreeze type of cage (16x16x20) and they can be in there I'd say until 2 months-ish, then you can consider moving them into a bigger one. I would still section off a 4 foot cage, maybe lift the floor a little to make it a bit smaller, otherwise they may not be able to find food (assuming you free range feed, since they're probably too young to cup feed).
Judge the cage size by their ability to find the crickets. You want a cage that's big enough for them to roam but not too big where crickets can hide in unused parts of the cage.

It's all about the crickets.
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