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  1. KatCham

    Sketch of Monty

    Awwww, thanks hun :o So glad u like it :D
  2. KatCham

    Sketch of Monty

    Thanks for the permission to sketch this gorgeous boy Tiff :D Hope I have done him justice ;)
  3. KatCham

    Dubia gutloading?? (Plus any opinions/breeding advice appreciated)

    The one that Simba left yesterday shed its skin in the feeder cup and turns out its a female, so back in the roach bin she went! ;) I think he filled himself up on those 2 big roaches he did eat yesterday, as he left the 3rd one like I say, and wasn't that interested in the silks this...
  4. KatCham

    What are your chameleons names?

    My nosey be x bb ambilobe is called Simba :D
  5. KatCham

    Dubia gutloading?? (Plus any opinions/breeding advice appreciated)

    Well he certainly Approves of the big huge roaches! Lol Straight over to feeder cup to nab one as soon as they went in. Only put 3 in as they're about the size of the fruit grubs n he only eats 2 of those so didn't want to overwhelm him. He keeps going back to the cup to check on the other 2...
  6. KatCham

    Dubia gutloading?? (Plus any opinions/breeding advice appreciated)

    Ordered some large roaches to add in with the few meds i have left to try n get a little colony going. Came today. They're huge! :eek: Compared to what I'm used to getting anyway! Lol Got bug grub, water gel and fruit/veg in for them (orange, rocket and apple) Will give Simba a...
  7. KatCham

    death of a friend (long)

    They say's thats the best thing to do with dogs, so Yes, I would get another one when you are ready! ;)
  8. KatCham

    Nosy be colour question

    Hi. Depends on the cham really, but I'd say between 9 months to a year old is when he'll be blue all over. These are pics of my 2yr old Nosey Be x BB Ambilobe, Simba. (shows him as a baby, then 6 months, 1yr, 18months and 2yrs) 3months old: 6 months: 1 year: 1yr 6...
  9. KatCham

    Does your chameleon sleep in the same spot every night?

    Mainly yes, the same branch in the same position, but he occasionally will change his mind every now and again :)
  10. KatCham

    death of a friend (long)

    Yes, it's always awful to actually watch an animal die. Sadly that is the image that tends to stay with you initially. Give yourself time and concentrate on the happy times you had with her. She wouldn't want you to remember her just for the sad time at the end, she gave you so much more...
  11. KatCham

    Red Deluxe

    He has absolutely scorching hot!!!! :D That colour is so........RED! :eek: I'd call a boy that red 'Flame' or something!!
  12. KatCham

    death of a friend (long)

    I am so sorry for your loss :( Rest in peace little one xxx
  13. KatCham

    Is Simba's humidity ok now?

    Hi, Occasionally, a couple of locusts might manage to get out of the Sprite feeder bottle, which I just leave for him, as I think it's good enrichment for him to have to hunt a couple every now and again. I have a mesh panel in the top of the enclosure and the vents are covered in mesh...
  14. KatCham

    5 Year CF Anniversary and 15,000 Post

    Congratulations Jann!! Words cannot describe how much of a valued member you are on here!! We all love ya to bits!! :D:D:D
  15. KatCham

    Mistking Spray head disassembly

    Great vid! Really useful for those unsure of how to disassemble! Nice one! ;)
  16. KatCham

    Sketch of Simba

    Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! :D:D:D
  17. KatCham

    Sketch of Simba

    Thank you :D Yes, just coloured pencils. Haven't had my arty stuff out for over a year!! Last time I had any time on my hands was back in 2011 when I had an accident on my horse and broke my back. This is the sketch I did back then (the last one for a while!)
  18. KatCham


    You could start with some of our sponsors? Click link at top of page ;)
  19. KatCham

    Staple feeders

    Variety is the spice of life! ;)
  20. KatCham

    Getting a tattoo....

    I have 4 and don't regret any of them. Chinese symbol for Tiger on my right shoulder Tribal design of my own at the base of my back Small heart with a couple of leaves coming out the sides with hubby's name in the heart on my left ankle. White Tiger cub's head on my right ankle. I am a...
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