New Member
Well now that I've calmed down enough to type i can tell the story. I was trying to get some sleep after no sleep for 3 days when i heard a thump come from my parrotlet's cage. well i bolted out of bed insanely worried. I found my little girl laying limp on the floor of her cage. i ran to grab a towel out of the laundry and i placed him in emergency container (open Tupperware with food and water cups) i woke my parents up in tears yelling at them the find an ER vet immediately. i grabbed his dropper and liquid formula that i had when she was young because she was very weak and limp so i knew she wasn't going to be able to eat on her own. i ran to the room just in time to see her have a seizure. i decided to leave her be and not stress her out so i just watched as my parents searched for a vet open at 2am. sadly there was none and she passed in my hands. i cried and cried until i couldn't anymore. my parents found a vet to call to see what could have happened. says when she fell she most likely hit her head and died during the seizures. she was my first bird that i had formed a bond with...its sad to see them go so young. she was 6 years old she had so much longer to live...