death of a friend (long)


New Member
Well now that I've calmed down enough to type i can tell the story. I was trying to get some sleep after no sleep for 3 days when i heard a thump come from my parrotlet's cage. well i bolted out of bed insanely worried. I found my little girl laying limp on the floor of her cage. i ran to grab a towel out of the laundry and i placed him in emergency container (open Tupperware with food and water cups) i woke my parents up in tears yelling at them the find an ER vet immediately. i grabbed his dropper and liquid formula that i had when she was young because she was very weak and limp so i knew she wasn't going to be able to eat on her own. i ran to the room just in time to see her have a seizure. i decided to leave her be and not stress her out so i just watched as my parents searched for a vet open at 2am. sadly there was none and she passed in my hands. i cried and cried until i couldn't anymore. my parents found a vet to call to see what could have happened. says when she fell she most likely hit her head and died during the seizures. she was my first bird that i had formed a bond with...its sad to see them go so young. she was 6 years old she had so much longer to live...:(
it was horrible to see her convulsing like she was. struggling to keep her eyes open and fighting to breath...simply horrible
Yes, it's always awful to actually watch an animal die. Sadly that is the image that tends to stay with you initially.

Give yourself time and concentrate on the happy times you had with her. She wouldn't want you to remember her just for the sad time at the end, she gave you so much more fulfilment and happiness before that.

Time and your happy memories will prove to be the perfect healer! ;) :)
They say's thats the best thing to do with dogs, so Yes, I would get another one when you are ready! ;)
I am so so sorry for your loss:( its always really hard to watch an animal friend die like that... I have been through something similar. But when you are ready get another one:) it helps with the pain even though it doesn't take it away completely.
im very sorry for the loss of your girl :( we love them so much and when they go its very hard... RIP little girl
We are all here for you to talk too. All of us or most of us have lost a pet we love. Your heart will break but you will feel better after time passes. Hang in there. I am very, very, sorry you lost you baby.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby, it hurts my heart every time I hear of a loss of a loved pet.....again very sorry for your loss.
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