Search results

  1. ReptileLove18

    Dubia Roach colony questions?

    the best way to find info that has already been posted is to click the search button and type in the key words you're interested in, in this case "dubia roaches". it will pull up all the threads about roaches and there is a TON of good info in them :) i dont personally have any experience with...
  2. ReptileLove18

    Egg incubation preparation?

    i believe its okay to rotate them right after they are laid as they havent attached to the side of the egg yet. as soon as you get them into the container for incubating (ASAP), do not rotate them. they will soon become attached to the egg and can then be suffocated if moved. this is my...
  3. ReptileLove18

    Crestie Eggs!

    thats awesome!! congrats! are you planning on keeping the babies or selling them?
  4. ReptileLove18

    I graduated today!!!!

    and thank you everyone for all the congratulations! :D i am soooooo happy!
  5. ReptileLove18

    I graduated today!!!!

    yup! planning on getting general education done at a junior college to save some money and then moving on to a university. seriously thinking about humbolt university here in california because of their great array of classes in the fields im interested in :) im treating myself to my first...
  6. ReptileLove18

    Looking for a vote

    i own both a ball python and a rosy boa. Both are complete sweethearts!!!! the pros to a rosy boa are they get about 4 feet long max, and are really great beginner snakes. on the other hand, ball pythons are also very good snakes, they get about 6 feet long and are very good with handling. in my...
  7. ReptileLove18

    I graduated today!!!!

    no highschool.. lol. i started school later then most kids because my birthday falls after the deadline for signing up. everyone acts surprised when they ask that question and gets the answer, its quite comical! :)
  8. ReptileLove18

    I graduated today!!!!

    thank you Jann! :) its nice to get some congrats
  9. ReptileLove18

    I graduated today!!!!

    Today i officially graduated! i had finished classes several weeks ago but finally just got all the paperwork :) im purty happy about it!! just thought i would share since ive gotten to know some of you pretty well :)
  10. ReptileLove18

    This is unbelievable..

    wow that is so screwed up.. they stay out of each others way in the wild its so wrong to put them together to fight like that... i totally agree with reporting it patrickfraser..
  11. ReptileLove18


    keeping looking! i read about a member whos chameleon took off outside and he found him several months later in a big pine tree all fat and happy. dont give up and i hope you find him. be careful everywhere you walk and move things because he could be hiding anywhere! hope he pops out soon!
  12. ReptileLove18

    New Members

    Welcome to CF Kyle!! glad to have you here :) and welcome to the "addiction" (as we call it) of chameleon keeping ;) your little nameless friend is quite cute! let us know when you pick a name for him we always like to give new members a link to our wonderful chameleon care resources, they...
  13. ReptileLove18

    My Babies Sage (veiled) Cooper (Parsonii)

    dont worry about too many pics, i was starting to wonder if you were trying to keep them from us ;) haha. there can never be too many pics of the babies!!! they grow too fast for that :) they are both looking magnificent, and huffy in Sage's case in the shedding pics! :D they are both...
  14. ReptileLove18

    My New Baby Parsons!

    great pics of the two of them!! that first pic is super cute, hes staring at her like "hey! your mighty purty!" :) i hope it ends up being female!!
  15. ReptileLove18

    miracle grow and plant pot question

    i wouldnt use it because it has chemicals in it that will go into the plants and they will occasionally eat the plants. thats why using organic soil is good so that it doesnt have chemicals. using miracle grow or anything similar with chemicals in it will undo the point in this! :)
  16. ReptileLove18

    Whats the best cricket gutloader to get?

    many members swear by both bug burger and cricket crack! :)
  17. ReptileLove18

    Reversing MBD

    hello there. unfortunately, damage already done in regards to MBD cannot be reversed. it can be prevented from continuing but cant be reversed. there are some things you can do to prevent further damage and make him healthier overall: supplement using this schedule: calcium without d3 at...
  18. ReptileLove18

    NOSEY BE JUST HATCHED! What temp do i keep him at?

    yes how is that little cutie doing? :)
  19. ReptileLove18

    NOSEY BE JUST HATCHED! What temp do i keep him at?

    according to the panther caresheet, babies 9 months and under should be kept at an ambient temp of 72-80 fahrenheit, and 82 for basking :) heres the link to that caresheet! and congrats!! cant wait to see some pics ;)
  20. ReptileLove18

    Our first ball python hatchling of the year :D

    this is an AMAZING pic!!!! i have a young female ball python so this is a total trip to see :) thanks so much for sharing with us! keep the pics coming please :D
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