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  1. Ace

    Faly Porn
  2. Ace

    The Dream Thread!!

    "i have a dream"!!!!...oops wrong idea:D nah i never had much cham dreams except one i remember that i found a parsons in a tree near my house. I wanted to find it's owner, but instead found parson eggs under neath mostly burried and i wittnessed them hatching!!! lol all other dreams are...
  3. Ace

    Geronimo - A true purple bar Ambanja

    very impressive ambanja love the deep blue/purple barring and only 6 months? geez that is a stud
  4. Ace

    Veiled Month at March South Bay Chameleon Keepers Meeting

    It's been awhile, i'll try to come to this one:) Always nice to see new and familiar faces and catch up face to face
  5. Ace

    Funny Faly - I bet you will laugh

    ROFL :D:D:D very cute lol ok Dez you win the bet i laughed:p
  6. Ace

    Wild Bugs

    thanks for the tip, all in all i think its just being well informed ifyour area is pesticide free or not, and if you do regular fecals for your chams, offering mantids or anything that "might" have parasites shouldnt be any issue
  7. Ace

    Wild Bugs

    i have fed brownish/ to greenish hoppers and a green katydid i catch mantids from time to time and offer gutloaded crickets for a few days and feed them off. to me the chams i had and now just zulu, the green bugs attract them the most i beleive your method is a good indicator of your...
  8. Ace

    Any quadricornis and/or parsonii keepers here?

    Great photos and these GIANT ENCLOSURES ARE BEAST!!!!
  9. Ace

    kammers ambanja..

    Told ya that red comin in would be sweet lol
  10. Ace

    "If you need drainage for indoor habitats, you're doing it wrong!" Over watering

    this i agree and find interesting too. my chams seem to respond "better" to rain drops than misting, they immediately drink
  11. Ace

    "If you need drainage for indoor habitats, you're doing it wrong!" Over watering

    very interesting thread. i too am interested in what chameleonpatrick posted. i too dont have drainage, just a dripper and occasionally mist. always good to hear experiences from others and discussions like these
  12. Ace

    Finally some red!

    he's coloring up nicely! when you mean sired by hyperion do you mean the one from jim at the chameleon company?
  13. Ace

    pepsi vs coke

    a beach at Mazatlan(Mexico) is where i experienced the tingling awesomeness that super cold chill yours sounds just as good;)
  14. Ace

    Can't stop young rebellious chameleon love, I guess?

    congratz!!!! lol:D nothing better than life giving you great surprises like these;):D
  15. Ace

    PayPal Warning!!!

    Wow such a shame Thanks for letting us know...always be safe then sorry
  16. Ace

    pepsi vs coke

    Coke glass bottle from Mexico
  17. Ace

    Got Accepted

    Thanks again everyone, it means alot and will make you all proud lol the only thing that is bugging me is where in the heck am i going to keep my ambilobe Zulu:confused: if i live on campus i doubt they allow pets, most likely just fish in a bowl but nothing else anybody got any...
  18. Ace

    Display Branch w/ sturdy base

    Got this at the reptile super show in january, really dont need it now. pics of the display branch for sale. $20 obo Locals Only pm me thanks
  19. Ace

    Let's play find the chameleon

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