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  1. B

    Your chameleons name and why

    I named Bree. Ilike the name Breeann because I knew a girlfriend of my sons was named Breeann, no other reason and when we get our boy cham I intend to name him Brye.. I just like the names!
  2. B

    What do these colors mean

    Wow! something has him excited.
  3. B

    when did your chameleon get their colors?

    I was so worried because she'd shown no indication of colorlpattern change she had to get mad at me to get started..spots!
  4. B

    when did your chameleon get their colors?

    This morning! I was misting the enclosure with room temp water, I usually use warm. She got all covered with black spots! TADA
  5. B

    Day time misting question

    I mist Breeanns enclosure three times a day...5 am upon waking at 12 or 1 at midday and at 5:30 at bedtime I mist with warm water for about 3 minutes each time, this seems to keep her humidity level at 50 Per cent. Oh and since my post about her not changing color this morning I misted her...
  6. B

    How did YOU get into chameleon keeping?

    I have a background in animal husbandry so I guess a chameleon was going to come into my life eventually. I went to Petco one day and saw what I felt was the cutest little creature and that was all it took! Yes Breeann is a pet store baby...not the best place to purchase a pet but I feel I could...
  7. B

    What fruits are ok for a treat for a valid ????

    Breeann gets a salad of green leafy vegetables and we have put little pieces of orange and apple in with it. However I can't say that I've seen the fruit being eaten! She does like her greens though! Yum Yum!
  8. B

    Laying Bin Set Up - Educational Video

    Hi There! I have a baby female chameleon so since this is my first Cham, I find this video to be invaluable as it won't be long before I'll be setting up a laying bin! Thank You so much for this video that will help many female chameleon keepers!
  9. B

    Chameleon tail turning black and scabbing

    I hope everything works out well for your Cammy and you.
  10. B

    There and Back Again, A Cozamalotl Tale.

    So glad to hear that Coza is doing well. You worked hard to fight for Cozas life and it paid off. Good going!
  11. B

    New Member

    Thank You all so much for making me comfortable here already!
  12. B

    No Color Change?

    thank you...I have to go out tomorrow to purchase the right USB plug then there will be Pics!
  13. B

    No Color Change?

    Thanks, I am so glad I joined this forum..with this being new to us we are glad to know this forum is here to help!
  14. B

    No Color Change?

    thank you all! Yes I can take pictures with my phone. I cant get them to the computer
  15. B

    No Color Change?

    Thank You! Unfortunately I cannot post pics at this time. I have to get the pix developed first, as soon as I do I'll post them. I can't scan them with my phone. Breeannsmom
  16. B

    New Member

    Good Morning! Im known here as Breeannsmom We recently purchased a Pied Veiled Chameleon, we call her Bree!. I have worked with animals all of my life. With Vets at the Worcester Science Center at a Barnyard Zoo but mainly I got my interest in Reptiles through my work at the SCience Center which...
  17. B

    No Color Change?

    Is there anyone out there that can help me with this question? Please
  18. B

    Ambilobe, male or female?

    Sooo Pretty!
  19. B

    A couple Yellow Giant babies.

    Very Nice!
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