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  1. KingJulian

    lightning bugs

    I'm pretty sure if it's been a few days, they will be ok. Just make sure they are drinking a lot of water to try and flush it out. I'm not an expert, so hopefully somebody who has had a similar experience will chime in.
  2. KingJulian

    Fan or no fan??

    I wouldn't aim it directly in the cage...I leave my ceiling fan on during the day, but it's not directly hitting the cage, just creates air flow.
  3. KingJulian


    Welcome to the forum :) It's a very good sign that your cham is active. Sleeping during the day and not moving are usually signs of illness. Mine loves being held, but every cham is different. He is also very curious and climbs all over his cage, top to bottom. As long as yours isn't climbing to...
  4. KingJulian

    makes you wonder?

    Too funny! Mine is always on a mission to climb on top of the curtain rod, and he loves looking out the window too :)
  5. KingJulian

    White as a ghost

    He's probably scared. Try associating your hand with food. Anytime you take him out, give him something that he likes. For example, when we first got my panther, he was very shy. I wanted a cham that we could hold. We started off very slowly by hand feeding him. It took a lot of time and...
  6. KingJulian


    I don't have experience with females, but I've had my male panther since January and yes his appetite varies. Normally when he gets ready to shed his eating slows down, sometimes he stops eating. He also goes on hunger strikes. The last one lasted a few weeks and he would only eat 1 or 2 super...
  7. KingJulian

    Dehydrated Panther Chameleon

    One of the easiest ways I get mine to drink is by hanging a shower curtain rod in the middle of the shower and hanging a vine in a U shape. Turn the water on warm (not too hot) and set the shower head so the water is running down the vine, but try to get it so it's not directly hitting your...
  8. KingJulian

    Newbie here... I have a few general questions :)

    Welcome to the forums. This is a great place for information. Young chams eat a lot! From what I've heard, it's not unusual for a baby to eat up to 25 crickets a day. As long as he's eating, I would keep feeding him. Yes chams will hunt their food, just don't leave crickets in the cage over...
  9. KingJulian

    Chewing on wood

    I don't think it's unusual for panthers to chew on wood...My cham does it too and I've seen a couple of other people say theirs do as well. Not sure why.
  10. KingJulian

    Shedding aid

    I usually give my cham warm (not too hot) showers during his sheds. I put a shower curtain rod in the middle of the shower, hang a vine in a U shape and let him sit on it. I point the shower head down so it doesn't directly hit him, the water runs down his vine and he drinks it. He loves it...
  11. KingJulian

    one eye closed

    Sorry, haven't been on here in a few days. I'm so glad he's doing better :)
  12. KingJulian

    chams rubbing their eyes

    I agree with taking them off. We have one of those fake vines from petsmart and every once in a while I will see mine rubbing his eyes on it. I would hate for your little guy to hurt himself.
  13. KingJulian

    My Ambanja is GLOWING!

    Carol, he is gorgeous!! Those colors are insane :)
  14. KingJulian

    Dont know

    It's up to you...if you just go for it, you might get bit. We associate our hand with food. It takes time and lots of patience, but I can walk up to the cage whenever I want and he will walk right on to my hand. I have heard that panthers are a little more laid back than some of the other chams...
  15. KingJulian

    Extreme kit?

    I agree, but disagree. I thought the same thing when we were first getting into chameleons, so the first places we went were reptile stores. We went in knowing we wanted a panther chameleon and only got shot down by multiple stores. "Oh panthers are too expensive for a beginner, it'll never...
  16. KingJulian

    My chameleons home

    Welcome to the forums :) Just a few things I noticed about your cage that I would change if it were me. Most people leave the bottom of the cage bare for chams because sometimes they will eat the dirt, woodchips, or whatever is down there and it can cause impaction and kill them. Another thing...
  17. KingJulian

    FROST meets Cupcake!!~ Nosy Faly

    WOW!! He's insane! Glad I voted for the winning name :) Can't wait to see those babies.
  18. KingJulian

    Water Supplements

    Some people use the one made for reptiles. I'm not sure if it's the same as the fish one. I just use bottled water for the mister and spray bottle, but I also put my cham in the shower, so he drinks the tap water too.
  19. KingJulian

    Chameleon Licking Random Areas???

    My panther does it too. Not sure if it has to do with marking their territory, or if it's some way to feel if the branch is safe.
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