Fan or no fan??


Established Member
I have a little mini fan set up on my exxoterra tank facing towards the front vents. Is this a good idea? Or should I do with out the fan?
I wouldn't aim it directly in the cage...I leave my ceiling fan on during the day, but it's not directly hitting the cage, just creates air flow.
Just make sure you get good air ventilation so the cage isn't filled with stagnent air.

Chams have wind in the wild so I don't see what the problem would be.

I leave a fan on throughout the days during the summer. Helps keep the bottom portion of the enclosure cool and circulates my room, sometimes I feel like i'm living in a jungle lol.
Just make sure you get good air ventilation so the cage isn't filled with stagnent air.

Chams have wind in the wild so I don't see what the problem would be.

I leave a fan on throughout the days during the summer. Helps keep the bottom portion of the enclosure cool and circulates my room, sometimes I feel like i'm living in a jungle lol.

they try to avoid airflow
they try to avoid airflow

My cham does fine. eats, drinks, sheds, poops, etc.

Fan is OK.

If you assumed i put the fan on the highest speed and aim it at the enclosure, then YES lol, they would avoid air flow.

I use my fan on the lowest setting and aim it so it circulates the room. I don't aim it at the enclosure :rolleyes:
You should have some air circulation but no direct draft on your animals.

A few fans will keep the air and humidity moving, like it does outside.
Hi, any ideas where i could get a mini laptop cooling fan which i could install in my net cage??
I got a really nicer one at Home Depot! It runs on USB, AC Power and Battery. I think it was $12.00 I is abount6" diameter and is blue in color. I put it next to the enclosure and point it laterally to the front of the enclosure to create some airflow.
I have a little mini fan set up on my exxoterra tank facing towards the front vents. Is this a good idea? Or should I do with out the fan?

You can always have it on a timer too... !:)

Maybe on every hour or so for 15 min. during the hot part of the day....

But please be careful...

do not "draft" them too much, especially at night, I have actually had herps get respiratory issues with too much.

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