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  1. W

    Pregnant Jackson

    Alright, thanks...
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    Pregnant Jackson

    Ok, thanks for the advice. Ill see what i can do..
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    Pregnant Jackson

    So theres a possibility that theres still live babies still in her??!! And the post from chameleon884 was funny. Try read it.
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    Pregnant Jackson

    Thanks very much for your time and response.. First because when i first got her she didnt seem pregnant at all and i had her with a male... But i noticed that she was gettin bigger..And i remember during one time that i wasnt giving her food and water everyday (sometimes i think no water for...
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    Pregnant Jackson

    Uh, thanks
  6. W

    Pregnant Jackson

    Yea, thats funny, i like your response!!
  7. W

    is my jackson pregnant???

    Yea, usually the best of my knowledge is if she is fat or getting fatter.. Then shes preganant.
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    Pregnant Jackson

    Yea, thanks but Jacksons give birth to live babies, and all of them (about 7) came out dead, but she still looks very pregnant?
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    Pregnant Jackson

    My female Jackson been pregnant for a while and she recently gave birth to about 7 babies that were all dead. But i think it was cause during her pregnancy i wasnt taking that good of care of her (i need help with caring for pregnant females too), but that was like 2 weeks ago and she still...
  10. W

    Hello Everyone

    Thaks, and yeah..ill try and post some.. Trying alot to keep the healthy...
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    Crickets keep dying

    Does anyone think its the food? or is that all things thats ok for the crickets?
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    Need helpon Baby Jacksons

    Yea, mines eat well. The first day after they were born they never though..
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    Need helpon Baby Jacksons

    Oh, yea, sorry for not answering your other questions, but yea, they both actively drink and eat.. its just the lighting/ air flow i was kinda worried about. I heard the can get some sort of breathing problem but i dont know what environment itll be for that to get to that point and stuff.
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    Need helpon Baby Jacksons

    Right on, thanks for letting me know, ill try and check it out. The babies i have are onle about 4 days old?? Im loosing count on the days. I gotta go keep up with that.
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    Need helpon Baby Jacksons

    Right on. Thanks, thats a good answer.
  16. W

    Hello Everyone

    Yea, its kinda exciting... And yea, i own Jackson Chameleons. 2 Babies and 1 female adult.
  17. W

    Hello Everyone

    Thanks!! I have Jackson Chameleons. I love the hobby of taking care of them. I just got your guys post tonight... And sure thing, ill try and post some pics. Thanks!
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    Need helpon Baby Jacksons

    Thanks alot for the help. Do you know if termites is ok? After i take off the wings?
  19. W

    Need helpon Baby Jacksons

    Thats cool.. Are they still alive and looking healthy?
  20. W

    Need helpon Baby Jacksons

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. Yea, thats what i was thinking about the space, but its pretty good about allowing just enough for them to eat.
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