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  1. rcagosto

    Where do you buy your screen?

    Oh man i know how hard it is, i have been wondering were i can get some pvc coated hardware cloth with 1/4 in or smaller holes, but its sooooooooooooo hard.
  2. rcagosto

    chameleon and box turtle?

    Oh man i envy you lol i wish my cham did that but i guess, each one has a different personality. Mine just runs to the back of the cage and puffs up like he is huge and lol and he is only 4 months old.
  3. rcagosto

    Dust Mites

    Oh man really freaky. Cool pics though.
  4. rcagosto


    Sound like you have your very own monster in a cage lol (kinda of corny) aggression means he is healthy be happy, dont get bit lol.
  5. rcagosto

    I need a food plan

    I need to try that lol put it on a big posterboard and hang it on my door. Lol.
  6. rcagosto

    I need a food plan

    Thanks cherron, i just changes my schedule to repcal w d3 once a week, herptivite once a week, repcal wo d3, the rest of the days, a mineral all o i still once every 2 weeks. Appreciate the advice.
  7. rcagosto

    I need a food plan

    Well i have a 4 month old panther and i keep him indoors. I give him repcal with d3 3 times a week, repcal with out d3 3 times a week and once a week and mineral all o once every two weeks. I currently feed him crickets and one wax worm a day or every other day. He will eat about 5 to 6 1/2 to...
  8. rcagosto

    Like Father Like Son (photos)

    Really cool looking chams, especially the nosey bes. Lucky lucky, really cool.
  9. rcagosto

    Sambava Cooling Off

    Beautiful sambava, i hope to own one in the future. Cool pic.
  10. rcagosto

    RIP Hanabi

    Sorry for your lost poh. Its always hard to lose something important. Lets us know what they found out.
  11. rcagosto

    poop eater

    So chams are shy, just because you dont happen to see them do it, doesnt mean they dont. You just happened to catch him do it, or maybe he is getting over being shy or even maybe he needs the minerals so he is actually doing it in front of you lol we will never know. Just my sure the soil is...
  12. rcagosto

    poop eater

    Oh man that happened with my cham but i have heard that they eat dirt to get some minerals they are missing in there diet. What i started doing was dusting every two weeks with mineral o just so he can get some minerals and he has stopped eating dirt, well i havent caught him until now yet.
  13. rcagosto

    eggs gone wild!

    Oh man your lucky, i dont know how you feel but i will when i start my breeding project in a couple of months. Oh man i want to see baby pics also, just try to forget but not really forget lol. The forum really is like a family, always helping eachother out, giving advice, excited for eachother...
  14. rcagosto

    eggs gone wild!

    I always had a thing for the yellow background ambilobes, your male looks absolutly great. I love him. Good look while waiting for your eggs to hatch.
  15. rcagosto

    Maroantsetra Rainbow

    Its conflicting whether to say the animals exact location or not to depending on who the person is. I would personally find it troubling because if you do tell the location, they might get taken by large numbers and damage the populations but its good so know where the animal is coming from...
  16. rcagosto

    Busy day..

    Hieka you have a beautiful stunning cham right there. Good luck with you eggs.
  17. rcagosto

    Diego Suarez

    Thats cool, one day ill have one in my collection, good luck.
  18. rcagosto

    why do he do it??

    Oh ok thanks lol i guess he only does it when i turn of the ac lol thanks i was just a little worried
  19. rcagosto

    why do he do it??

    Guys its probably nothing to me to worry about but why do my cham open his mouth for no reason?? He is eating fine drinking, right temps everything is good, so why do he open his mouth then when i move close to him he closes it. He about to be 4 months and he is and ambilobe panther about 6 to...
  20. rcagosto

    I wanna go OUTSIDE!

    Really nice!!! Good looking cham.
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