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  1. SpartyTessy

    Just crickets

    They are also not allowed here in Hawaii.
  2. SpartyTessy

    Are you ready...

    GO BRONCOS. Now with Peyton Manning to go along with our good run game and good defense I see us winning 13-14 games this year and superbowl all the way. Just watch and see :D It will be like back in the day with John Elway and Terrell Davis how unstoppable they were for the two years they...
  3. SpartyTessy

    Jackson color

    Hi and welcome. That is a Jackson xantholophus. They get between 9-13 inches in length from head to tail. They do get pretty bright green to a yellow color. My female is a brighter green and my male is more of a yellowish green. It is hard to tell by the pics his age. Do you know his...
  4. SpartyTessy

    I just bought my first Jackson Chameleon i need a little bit of help

    Jacksons are considered by many harder to care for than most other chams. They need a constant higher humidity, a cooler temp than others and are more prone to over supplementation. This is why they are not recommended for a beginner Cham. Here are a couple links that should get you pointed...
  5. SpartyTessy

    Mistking!!!!!! :)

    having more options for Chams to drink is always a plus. I have heard many on here saying they have problems with their Cham drinking from a dripper but gladly start to drink when the mistking is running. My male cham sometimes is the same way and will not want to drink from the dripper but...
  6. SpartyTessy

    Mistking!!!!!! :)

    Nope it is not too small. You can angle the nozzle anyway you want. It works perfect for my 12x12x18 cage that I have 10 babies in.
  7. SpartyTessy

    Stinky Crickets!

    Yeah the cane spider is large and fast. They do not spin a web like most spiders but are hunters. Their main diet consists of Roaches
  8. SpartyTessy

    New mistking!

    Yes as he mentioned use the clamps to secure down the tubing. Once you do then it will stop the rattling. It also worked to stop mine. The reason it does is because it is a really powerful pump that can pump up to 20 nozzles and when it is only pumping out a couple nozzles or less than it is...
  9. SpartyTessy

    Stinky Crickets!

    Its great as they take care of most of the insects that would potentially be an issue. However the geckos will not touch the american roaches. They will not get anywhere near a roach. The cane spiders however have no issue feeding on the American Roaches. :eek:
  10. SpartyTessy

    Success, so far

    Awesome and congrats. Good luck with all of them.
  11. SpartyTessy

    Stinky Crickets!

    Well I really do not have an issue because my crickets are housed outside. We have tons of wild geckos here so feeders that do get loose are never an issue. In fact I sometimes bring in some baby crickets for the baby geckos that like to hang out in the house. They are so cute and so tiny and...
  12. SpartyTessy

    Asaigo's new crib

    Looks very nice. She will love the new cage
  13. SpartyTessy

    Dinner time :D

    Wow that was very cool. Must of gone to sniper school lol. That sure was a long shot. She wanted to make sure that one didnt get away. The mantis saw her and tried to take off but he was way too slow :D
  14. SpartyTessy

    New Jackson

    Post a pic up. I would say 7-9 months based on that size. They usually get 9-13" from head to tail being full grown.
  15. SpartyTessy

    Dead feeder technique?

    Have you tried Dubias? Those are the most preferred staple feeder by most and most will not hesitate to eat many of them. They are pretty much the healthiest feeder you can feed to your Cham. Keep in mind you never want one feeder to be more than 40% of their diet so Dubia's, Crickets...
  16. SpartyTessy

    So skinny!!!

    Fill this out as much as possible. Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you...
  17. SpartyTessy

    So skinny!!!

    Post a pic of your Jackson. Many times they will stretch their body out when trying to maximize the uvb/uv intake when basking. This could make them look skinny. Post a high resolution pic of him so we can determine if he looks healthy or not. You should also fill out the "how to ask for help"...
  18. SpartyTessy

    cricket eggs.....

    Yeah that's crickets eggs alright. they do look like tiny grains of rice. Smaller of course. If they dry out they will not hatch. Most likely if they were on the bottom of the bin and dry then they would not of hatched. Just leave a container of dirt in your bin and they will lay eggs...
  19. SpartyTessy

    How long can a female Jackson Retain sperm

    From the pics well its always hard to tell for sure but comparing her girth to mine who had babies 5 weeks ago and taken into consideration she only had 10 babies mine was considerably thicker I would say no but I am not the expert. How much do you say she eats a day? Mine eats between 4-7...
  20. SpartyTessy

    How long can a female Jackson Retain sperm

    Wow if she does more than a year later that is a very long time. Mine had babies about 5 weeks ago and she looks like she is about to give birth again and do know they can retain sperm but I am not sure for how long. 1 Year seems like a really long time but am honestly not sure. That would be...
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