Jackson color


New Member
Hi, I recently got a young Jackson's chameleon! I was wondering how bright do they usually get? I will post a pic of him. I'm not sure what kind of Jackson, but I would love to know, if possible. Also, could someone tell me his general age? The pet store associate could not tell me. Thanks in advance!


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They can get a pretty nice shade of green, at least my female does. The male may have some additional colors but I guess it depends on what species he is. How many inches is your chameleon, how big are his horns? That will help determine age.
They can be very colorful! They do show many greens, as well as blacks, browns, grays, etc. Other Jackson's owners may be able to tell you, I have never had one. Jacksonii's are the brightest subspecies of Jackson's.
Hi and welcome. That is a Jackson xantholophus. They get between 9-13 inches in length from head to tail. They do get pretty bright green to a yellow color. My female is a brighter green and my male is more of a yellowish green. It is hard to tell by the pics his age. Do you know his length and weight? That would really help. From looking at the horns in the pic even though you can only see part of them I would guess about 6-7 months old.
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