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  1. veildowner

    first shower

    i was cleaning fatso's cage today and decideed give him a shower he was a bit nervous at first but he started drinking off the umberella plant and jus chilled for abit:D
  2. veildowner

    I Want to Be Alone

    cool piks and thats a nice cham
  3. veildowner


    ull have to post a pic:) he stoped when he was walking past my foot fired up challenging my foot and started head butting must of been my socks as he hates anything black:D
  4. veildowner


    i had a big peice of bamboo across my cages i had to wrap a fine around it so my cham had sum thing to grip onto whilst sat on it because it was to smooth to grip onto
  5. veildowner


    thought id share a recent pic of my veiled as ive not taken any of him in a while
  6. veildowner

    Possible MDB Case

    is it a male or female because your decribing it as a him and a her in your posts and the pic wont cum up for me for sum reason and he/she needs go vets if he/she as mbd
  7. veildowner

    English Ivy???

    go into enclosures and supplys theres a live plant database thread theres plants on there what you can and cant use think its the first thread
  8. veildowner

    English Ivy???

    im pretty sure english ivys poisonous. you can use devils evy though ( pothos )
  9. veildowner

    I Scored!

    thats a great find :D
  10. veildowner

    how does it look

    its a umberella tree at the front and ive got 2 ficus in the back all abwt 3foot tall as for lighting ive got a reptiglo 5.0 tube ( il be changing to reptisun in a couple of months heard they are better ) and a 75watt bulb to bask all temps and humidity are good put my little fella in yesterday...
  11. veildowner

    Any ideas on

    tell her you bought it for her or tell her you seen it in a pet shop sumwhere and they dont have a clue how to look after them so you had to buy it unless your buying online id go with the first 1
  12. veildowner

    for first panther chameleon

    ambilobes are nice and colourful
  13. veildowner

    for first panther chameleon

    ive got a nosy be x sambava as my first panther think its your personal liking in witch locale u like they all need the same requirements witch ever you get. :D
  14. veildowner

    plants to hang in cage

    you could hang a pothos in your cage i was going to hang 1 in mine but i think ive got enuff in mine:D
  15. veildowner

    Water drip...

    i have a big dripper i only fill it half full it drips to quick when its full
  16. veildowner

    how does it look

    cheers il move him over to his new home then :D
  17. veildowner

    how does it look

    anybody? before i put him into his new home
  18. veildowner

    update pics

    hes about 4 month old
  19. veildowner

    update pics

    this little fatty is getting brighter every day hes a right character:D
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