i was cleaning fatso's cage today and decideed give him a shower he was a bit nervous at first but he started drinking off the umberella plant and jus chilled for abit:D
ull have to post a pic:)
he stoped when he was walking past my foot fired up challenging my foot and started head butting must of been my socks as he hates anything black:D
i had a big peice of bamboo across my cages i had to wrap a fine around it so my cham had sum thing to grip onto whilst sat on it because it was to smooth to grip onto
is it a male or female because your decribing it as a him and a her in your posts and the pic wont cum up for me for sum reason and he/she needs go vets if he/she as mbd
its a umberella tree at the front and ive got 2 ficus in the back all abwt 3foot tall as for lighting ive got a reptiglo 5.0 tube ( il be changing to reptisun in a couple of months heard they are better ) and a 75watt bulb to bask all temps and humidity are good put my little fella in yesterday...
tell her you bought it for her or tell her you seen it in a pet shop sumwhere and they dont have a clue how to look after them so you had to buy it unless your buying online id go with the first 1
ive got a nosy be x sambava as my first panther
think its your personal liking in witch locale u like they all need the same requirements witch ever you get. :D