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  1. SageZA

    A few shots of my chameleons, today,

    Nice Chams. The Veiled needs to lay off the Viagra though, lol just kidding. Nice straight cask.
  2. SageZA

    Picky eating - he no like Crickets.......

    My Veiled has also gone off crickets. Nothing i tried got him back on them :)
  3. SageZA

    Picky eating - he no like Crickets.......

    My Veiled has also gone off crickets.
  4. SageZA

    Spyro - Ambilobe Male Outside !

    Just love to see people taking there chams outside its so good for them. Very nice cham you have you could see all that color coming out there. Oh and lol watch you thumb there thats what they go for when they mad. and trust me its one hell of a bite.
  5. SageZA

    Urgent advice needed!

    Seems like she is just a little stressed from the trip and the new home :) One thing id suggest is a dripper :) Are you slightly dusting the crickets? And take her outside every now and then if its nice and sunny, just make sure you supervise it with a little shade :)
  6. SageZA

    Urgent advice needed!

    Seems like she is just a little stressed from the trip and the new home :) One thing id suggest is a dripper :) and take her ourside every now and then if its nice and sunny, just make sure you supervise it with a little shade :)
  7. SageZA

    Sage's Chameleon Photo Thread 2011

    Howzit Guys. Just an update from the weekend. Lovely weather. Had the 5 week old female panther out side a little to boost her :-) She is looking so healthy and eating and drinking well.
  8. SageZA

    Sage's Chameleon Photo Thread 2011

    I got a nice shot in here. Stunning rite?
  9. SageZA


    Very nice read thanks.
  10. SageZA

    Candyman's before and after coloration!!!!!!!!

    Very nice panther how old is he?
  11. SageZA

    Sage's Chameleon Photo Thread 2011

    Updated Pics from the Weekend Howzit Guys These are pics from the weekend and i have finally added a new addition. Here name is Roxy and she is a female ambanja panther. She is to small to take proper photos. Jimbo in the morning sun :) Loves his large Reptibreeze Some of the cages...
  12. SageZA

    Location Of Enclosures?

    Sitting room :-) Creates a nice ambiance
  13. SageZA

    9 month old Panther stopped eating!!!

    Glad you visited the VET :-) Does you panther get natural sunlight at all? All my chams completly stopped eating crickets. TH eonly thing they toutch is meal worms atm its spring now. They seem to eat like beasts when they out in the warm sun.
  14. SageZA

    Please tell me this is a tarsal spur male?

    Ita a male :)
  15. 104 0586

    104 0586

  16. 104 0598

    104 0598

  17. 104 0601

    104 0601

  18. SageZA

    Baby panther shows better colors in direct Sun light

    If its warm and you have time. Put the cham outside. Its very good for them. In summer my cham is outside everyday under supervision in there cages. IF its really hot out the cage partiality in the shad and mist.
  19. SageZA

    South African Chameleon Keeping/Breeding

    PM's you a contact that has baby panthers.
  20. SageZA


    I have a nosy cross
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