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  1. AndrewH

    What are main causes for runny poop aside from parasites?

    too many silkworms :p ;)
  2. AndrewH

    Spiru my ambilobe

    haha, Flame on!!!
  3. AndrewH

    Guess Locale

    guessing RB Ambilobe :confused:
  4. AndrewH

    Pics Of Senegalese cham

    hes cute :)
  5. AndrewH

    my ambilobe, male or female?

    male :cool::)
  6. AndrewH

    Your favorite species of chameleon?

    Parsons :cool:
  7. AndrewH

    Male or female? Sambava

    male :D:cool:
  8. AndrewH

    Chams living together?

    males will fight usually till death / starvation / over dominated. male will constantly pursue female and try to breed her. she will have a shorter lifespan from all of the breeding.
  9. AndrewH

    morio worms?

    they squirt every once in a while too, make sure to use protective eyewear!! haha :P
  10. AndrewH

    shipping question

    awwww.. they didnt have to call them a pest :(
  11. AndrewH

    Moose Asleep :)

    he looks awesome, his little yellow beard looks so pure!
  12. AndrewH

    Question About Shedding with MBD

    I have a veiled who is also recovering, i dont htink it really affects his shedding too much since he just completed another one. maybe it just might be an age thing and he is slowing down a bit.
  13. AndrewH


    there great feeders, some may advise to rip off the large hind legs so that they dont thrash your cham while hes eating.
  14. AndrewH

    pinkie mice?

    i feed them to my panthers once a month. a bit for weight gain and as an "exotic" snack, heh. they seem to like them now, but took a while for them to figure it as edible.
  15. AndrewH

    Lost Cham Stopped Eating

    could just be getting settled back into his enclosure. I will keep my cham outside for 2-3 days here and there and when i bring him back in he is more interested in pacing and exploring around rather than eating.
  16. AndrewH

    Wild insects

    i dont know if i would introduce ants to its enclosure. i know alot of people who have troubles getting rid of them.
  17. AndrewH

    Are Jasmin Plants safe?

    can anyone fill me in?
  18. AndrewH

    Why is he going flat as a board?

    They will try to go flat and rotate around a branch. This is often called "shadowing" a way to hide from predators or cameras;). they also flatten out their bodies while basking to increase more surface area.
  19. AndrewH

    NARBC Anaheim Sep 08 Flickr Stream

    Thanks Michele, yor pics from madagascar were awesome. I got a little ambanja whos daddy looks like this and his momma looks something like this :) i'll get some pics of him up soon
  20. AndrewH

    NARBC Anaheim Sep 08 Flickr Stream

    Enjoy :) NARBC
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