Lost Cham Stopped Eating


i take my male and female 6-month-old-chams for walks outside when it's nice. basically, i just put them in the yard. of course, 3 days ago my male got up a tree quicker than i could catch him. for 2 days we searched for him with no results. finally, on the night of the 3rd day we found him, snug asleep in some branches half way up. the weather has been mild - 70's in the day, mid-60's at night - since he departed. but now that he's back home, he won't eat. usually, he's running all over the cage after crickets, but the last 2 days he's shown no interest. any ideas?
Try a different food....maybe a silkworm or hornworm. Hopefully he's not sick and just doesn't like being back in a cage. Jann
Is he drinking? So long as he is drinking, I wouldnt worry right away about how much he's eating. Presumably he will eat when he is hungry. As suggested above, you could try offering something different, to see if maybe he's just decided crickets arent that tasty anymore.
could just be getting settled back into his enclosure. I will keep my cham outside for 2-3 days here and there and when i bring him back in he is more interested in pacing and exploring around rather than eating.
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