well my female chameleon is showing signs that she is gravid. she has stopped eating and is moving about her cage looking for a place to lay her infertile eggs. i have put a pot in there big enough for her to dig a foot deep hole. my question is when will she lay these eggs? she has not eaten...
yes you can put a baby in a glass tank to monitor its feeding but in order to give a chameleon the best possible chances you should raise it in a screen cage
If you have the money i would definetly sell that tank and get a screen one. they are way better by offering more air flow which is vital for chameleons
a plant light will work. and a tube ligght fixture you can get almost anywhere like home depot but the prices are the same as the ones on llreptile.com, i would definetly look there.
I wud stick with the 5.o setup because it is the safest way to not over expose your chameleon.
what kind of fixture do you need? like a tube light or basking bulb?
ive heard that stuff spreads like wildfire, but as long as you keep it trimmed it should work. i dont use it because my veiled and panther are to heavy to grabb it without falling (and im too lazy to fix it so they can)