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  1. dodolah

    Toxicity check

    well.. It's too bad. I hope you do reconsider. I really don't mean my post as a scrutinizing statement. Again, i apologize. When i am typing it, i meant it in the most neutral tone ever. I think I will take a chill pill and excused myself from this thread. My bad :(
  2. dodolah

    Toxicity check

    I apologize if I sounded like scrutinizing. There is no intention. I meant it in the most neutral tone when I am writing it. :)
  3. dodolah

    Toxicity check

    A swift research in google seems to indicate that Oleander is toxic to pet when consumed in sufficient quantity (assuming that you have the same species of plant). Although we mainly talk about dogs and cats in this case, but I would take it out just to be safe...
  4. dodolah

    Sad Video!! :(

    I do not deny that this is indeed a sad case. I think there are much better options out there than releasing exotic animals into the wild, especially where the animal is considered to be a non native species. He can take his Jackson to reptile rescue organizations like the one Chamelisa runs. He...
  5. dodolah

    having lots of problems with new veiled. currently not much of an appetite. help!

    Picasso, if you live in So-Cal, I would recommend you going to Dr. Tom Greek in yorba linda or Dr. Geoff Stein in Beverly Hills. I trust their expertise in chameleon care.
  6. dodolah

    Strongyle & Coccidia Parasite Treatment

    highly unlikely.. Coccidia is host specific. There is one for mammal and there is one for reptile. but, it doesn't hurt to practice cleanliness nonetheless.. Quarantine your chameleon so he does not infect the other reptiles.
  7. dodolah

    vitamin A defficiency... how to correct this?

    and for the future, you might want to add reptivite to your supplement regiment.
  8. dodolah

    Strongyle & Coccidia Parasite Treatment

    I don't have this at the top of my head. It's been a while since I have the need to treat mine with Ponazuril.. Dave Weldon should know more about it.. just remember to be careful with the dosing. 0.02 and 0.2 cc is quite a huge different. the 0.02 cc is two of those thinnest mark in the...
  9. dodolah

    Yemen Chameleons

    I think this is more a fitting explanation than the one you wrote about murderer and rapist in your previous post. There is so many things that can be debated when you are comparing a chameleon with human being. One of which is the fact that we are just not the same creature. Even so, according...
  10. dodolah

    Strongyle & Coccidia Parasite Treatment

    No. Ponazuril will not treat Strongyles. Panacur have a pretty safe margin. They do not affect the chameleon. Panacur works by blocking the carbohydrate metabolism in worm, essentially starving them to death. The only worry that you need to have is when the worms are all dead they release some...
  11. dodolah

    Strongyle & Coccidia Parasite Treatment

    add my personal experience to what Jan is suggesting. My veiled completely stop eating after Albon treatment and have to be force fed until I stop the treatment. I used Ponazuril afterward to treat the coccidia and have a wonderful result.
  12. dodolah

    Do Chameleons hug??? i think mine are?

    Just for your information.. lack of opportunity to mate in female has nothing to do with egg binding.
  13. dodolah

    Using Bamboo from Backyard?

    Interesting.. Why not??
  14. dodolah

    Yemen Chameleons

    I am not even sure if the analogy fit.. you just cannot equate a veiled chameleon to a human. They are just two different things. It is like comparing a banana with a Playstation 3. Veiled chameleon is indeed a dominant creature in general. and, interestingly I found your post actually answer...
  15. dodolah

    If you ever have fungus gnats...i have a solution

    yes, they are pricey. one really small sachet is enough to treat a whole backyard actually. So, if you guys decided to ever use it, I would recommend splitting the cost.
  16. dodolah

    If you ever have fungus gnats...i have a solution

    Clea, they are microscopic. You will need to have a microscope to see the nematodes. It is very effective and they will keep killing for 2 years. This is my second year. so far, no trace of a single gnat in the enclosure and none of my chameleon is attacked by the nematodes.
  17. dodolah

    My new addition to family.. Not reptiles sorry

    It's OFFICIAL! Ladies and Gentlemen of the chameleon forum, meet Gustav Klimt (or Gus for short)!!
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