GRATCH!!! As of 3/27/11 he is 177 grams! Probably going to put him on a bit of a diet soon....
This video was taken 16 days ago, so he hasn't changed too much. Would get some more recent pics, but a friend has made off with my camera for a bit!
Yep, yep, definitely. The tank has a screen top. I set my lamps directly on top of it. Keeps everything at 80degrees
I've caught them climbing around the canopy, or shoulder deep in their food dish several times since changing the setup. They love to sleep in the very back corner under all the...
Just in case someone finds this thread in the future.... Problem solved.
I got deeper glass dishes, and started using a pair of surgical forceps to break my pinhead crickets legs. Can't see it, but there's a small wad of toilet paper moistened to give the feeders some water too.
Definitely don't want my geckos to go hungry.... Going to keep the same tank, but make it a bit less complicated- less places for the crickets to hide...!
This is what I keep my two White's Tree Frogs in.... Dimensions are 8' X 1.5' X 2.5' ;]....
And I assure you they're very happy- much happier than they would be in a Tupperware....
I refused to put my geckos in a Tupperware with some cardboard tubes and a shoebox- I thought it was appalling when I first saw the setups. Even this tank is a little much for me. I'm used to giving my critters completely natural setups. I figured this would be a bit easier to keep clean...
Hey guys, hope your all doing well. Long story short.... Just bought some leopard geckos.
Anyone have any advice on the best way to feed them pinhead crickets? The geckos are pretty small.... Say two to three inches in length?
I've been feeding them very small mealworms- I think they're...
I wouldn't use an aquarium heater in your reservoir.... I tried a 60watt or 100watt- can't remember- for awhile. Bumped the temperature of the water up to about 90 which was nice, but produced waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much algae. More work than it's worth, and might ruin your pump.
Instead of...
I think it's a burn too. Doesn't look too terrible though.... If the center starts to turn black that's when you need to start worrying. Watch for changes~
Hey, hope everyone is doing well.
Last night I pulled Gratch, my veiled, off of his free range a bit quicker than I probably should have.
He was hugging the highest branch like he was getting ready to sleep for the night- he wasn't asleep.... I had a bit of trouble getting to him, he was at a...
Doesn't sound like it's serious, but keep an eye on him regardless. Mine makes the same 'sneeze' noise when I go to pick him up. It's almost like he's getting ready to hiss~
I originally had a large square plastic pot in the very bottom of the cage full of dirt with my plants in it.... Absolutely awful idea.
Now I have a Plexiglas sheet cut to the inner dimensions of the cage. I was going to drill small holes in the center, but accidentally cracked the plastic. If...
Rearranged Gratchs setup today, and thought I would take a few pictures.
All my supplies are kept together in a small wicker stand. 48"H x 24"W x 24"D screen cage. Tray below cage catches water in a small tray. MistKing reservoir water is heated to high 70's-85 degrees in a 5 gallon bucket...
I let him free range whenever I'm home which is a fairly large chunk of the day. I move his lights to the free range, open his door, and he comes scurrying out. He stays in his cage at night and when I'm gone though. Just got done adding two new fake trees covered in stuff to climb to his free...
He's still rocking the yellows! I'm a little bummed though.... Fall is setting in at an alarming rate, and we've all but lost the sun until February rolls around. He's going to have to make do with his 5.0, bulb, and free range- not going to see his gorgeous greens, purples, and blues for some...
Gratch!!! As of 9/9/10 he weighs 95 grams, and is roughly 8 inches from snout to vent! Here are some pictures, and an HD video for good measure~
I skipped past most of the posts because they seemed like they were very expensive solutions or too much work.
Have you tried dry ice? The bane of gnats, slugs, small insects, etc. and savior of marijuana growers?
When I first put my 300 gallon all natural terrarium together for my tree frogs...
GRATCH!!! 93.5 grams, roughly 7"'s from snout to vent. I've already started to cut him back on food....
Gratch wasn't quite in the mood today! I'll get some pictures of him when he's happier.... This video was taken 11 days ago, and frankly it's one of the best I have. Unfortunately my dad came...