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  1. Djturna4thakidz

    AquaZamp Rain Dome System $100

    Sold.... Thanks for looking!
  2. Djturna4thakidz

    Lethargic/Closed Eyes

    Yeah rubbing the eyes can be caused by lighting.
  3. Djturna4thakidz

    Drainage for XL Reptibreeze

    Oh ok, never mind. Pay my airfare and I will bring you one [emoji3]
  4. Djturna4thakidz

    Drainage for XL Reptibreeze

    You could go with a base from LLL reptile and modify it by drilling a hole and pitting a bulhead and some tubing so you can drain the water that collects. Or sell the reptibreeze and get a dragonstrand cage with drain pan.
  5. Djturna4thakidz

    Lethargic/Closed Eyes

    You do not need the full spectrum light and it looks pretty bright. It may be the reason the chams eyes are closed. Only need UVB and basking. I would recommend switching from a UVB bulb to a tube, and t5 is better than t8.
  6. Djturna4thakidz

    ***The Official Enclosure Picture Thread***

    Sully I think you are going to need a taller enclosure, not much head room.
  7. Djturna4thakidz

    Panther chameleon not well

    Yes, I have experienced this several times with female panthers. Not to overly alarm you but the sooner the better with the treatment. I waited several days with one female and she did lay and live a long life but never was 100% again. She was always much more sluggish.
  8. Djturna4thakidz

    Yemen (Veiled) Chameleon won't move

    She may have eggs and will need a lay bin.
  9. Djturna4thakidz

    Panther chameleon not well

    She may be egg bound and may need to be given an injection by the vet to make her lay.
  10. Djturna4thakidz

    AquaZamp Rain Dome System $100

    AquaZamp Rain Dome system in good condition, used for one year on two cages, original owner. It comes with 3 low profile rain domes, may have one extra I can throw in to make it 4. This system retails at $125 and the addition rain domes are $40 a piece so please no low balling... PM or email...
  11. Djturna4thakidz

    Not eating?

    You can also put crickets in the cup with the worms. She will eventually know the food will be in the cup.
  12. Djturna4thakidz

    My new panther chameleon wont eat help pls

    I would just give him some time.
  13. Djturna4thakidz

    Veiled Chameleon Skin Infection (?)

    I too think it is a burn based off the location of the affected skin
  14. Djturna4thakidz

    Not eating?

    Yes, do not use a feeding cage. It is bad for chams. I adopted a cham that used a feeding cage most of his life and it caused him undue stress and a lot of problems. I would try cup feeding if you are worried about her access to food. She should be eating 8-10 crix a day at that age.
  15. Djturna4thakidz

    My new panther chameleon wont eat help pls

    Are you housing them together? If not, then he most likely needs time to settle in. Fill in the ask for help form in the stickies at the top of the health forum.
  16. Djturna4thakidz

    3 Year Old Screameleons Ambilobe Male $300

    SOLD... Thanks to all those interested!
  17. Djturna4thakidz

    Pharaoh is sleeping in her new cage tonight.

    How big is it? What species are you housing? It still looks small
  18. Djturna4thakidz

    Baby jackson's sleeping during the day

    First problem I can see is you need a new cage to separate the females. They may look ok but they are causing un-needed stress. That may be one of the reasons why they are not eating.
  19. Djturna4thakidz

    Not sure, but...

    IMO, I suggest also getting rid of the silk plant. You say you watch him closely, but if you come in and the plant has a big bite out of it, what now? lol I bring this up again because I have had a veiled that ate some of the fake plants and had to go to the vet. I always errored on the side of...
  20. Djturna4thakidz


    I have owned both the mistking and AquaZamp. In terms of quality of components, the AquaZamp is better. Remember, a misting system is not a super complicated system, not many components, and they are pretty similar. I love the aquaZamp but I have heard complaints over the last several months...
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