New Member
I just got a baby veiled chameleon Tuesday. She has a pretty big home. When she first went in it I saw her eat a cricket. (It was so cool). By the next day the other 2 were gone. Yesterday I gave her 3 crickets. I added more stuff last night to her house. I added a live plants and a lil hide house for her. This morning when I woke up she was trying to poo. At least I think. She had already pooped some, and her tail was out and she was shaking and looked like she was pushing. Her poop wasn't hard looking or anything. I went to petco today and got some more crickets and mealworms and waxworks. I also got a small portable carrier. I was going to feed her in there so she can find them easily to eat, since she hasn't today. But she has been in there about 15-20 min and so far hasn't eaten anything. There r 3 crickets in with her, as well as mealworms and waxworks so she has a choice. Can someone tell me if I am doing anything wrong, or should just not worry. Here is a pic of her home and a pic of her eating house I got.