Lol. I'm sure they didn't suffer too long. The best way to feed off the super beetles anyways is when they are still semi fresh, either white or reddish in color. They are soft then anyways.
Since when do most chameleons not like superworm beetles? 95 percent of my chams like them more than even hornworms. I obviously don't feed them too often as they are quite crunchy but I've never had a cham turn down any kind of beetle. I keep a mealworm colony just to have the tiny little...
I voted tamatave for the sheer vibrance of their reds, oranges, and yellows. I own lots and lots of ambilobes but would love to get ahold of a CH or CB tamatave sometime soon. It would just have to be from the right parents. I want a screaming red/orange one when fired up. They are phenomenal.
What kind of panther is he? Ambilobe? That bright red eye looks great with the greens and yellows. He really is unique looking when he's fired up. I really rally like the colors he has going on when he's fired up.
I can't say I have ever not had silkmoths mate. Generally they are already going at it before I can remove them from the cocoon container and place them in the egg laying/ breeding container. However I have had a few females mate and never lay eggs or only lay one or two eggs, I noticed that...
Do you leave excess crickets in his enclosure? it looks like the colored skin was either eaten right off the sines or that they are infected somehow. Normally they are pointed and those look to be swollen and round at the top. As for the supplementing most people supplement with plain calcium at...
I wouldn't use regular potatoes in your gut load as they are pretty high in phosphorus. Since he is still eating normally, and you can't get hornworms or silkworms you can take a syringe(like a needle for a diabetic that you can buy at cvs from the pharmacy) and inject water directly into the...
Today was the first day I went out and actually found some grasshoppers here in michigan in my secret spot and my chams went nuts. the pygmies love the, the panther love them, and everyone else loves them as well. I could feed them nothing but grasshoppers for a year straight and they would not...
Furcifer just because of the little dudes in these links. they are unbelievable. Although I love my technicolor panther the Furcifer labordi are unbelievable
Alot of time if my females aren't interested they will chase my males away without even moving. The female puffs up, gives him the stare and then he decides he'd rather not get bitten and I remove him. I'd remove the male and re-introduce him again tomorrow. Generally if mating is going to...
I've heard a couple horror stories of peoples chams with infected tongues that clear up, go away, and keep coming back. My vet told me he had two different keepers who had chams with chronic tongue problems and both were concluded to be caused by feeding related issues with pointy tweezers. One...
If you cover it with plastic you'd need to hook up a UVB bulb under the plastic since the sunlights natural UVB will not pass through plastic. I had my panthers out into october here in michigan where the temps were 70's during the day and mid to low fifties at night. Every night I took 5 king...
I hand feed each of my panthers usually one or two of their bugs every feeding. It takes awhile with 19 of them but I get it done. Everyone gets a hand fed treat here. My tweezers are not pointy and therefore will not harm their tongues. I was just looking in terms of long term tweezer feeding...
In the past 3 months or so I have begun feeding some of my brevs crickets, silkies, baby mantids, and other food items straight from the tweezers. I was just wondering if anyone else does this or if anyone sees any real harm in it. I know they should be more terrified of me than my panthers...