Oh how I miss being in florida and hearing about my neighbors dogs missing. Lol. I used to take baby gators and put them in our little lake behind the house( as if there weren't already enough) I just really liked feeding them which ended up becoming a bad idea when they grew some and still...
I am currently looking to expand my breeding project a little bit. I am looking to get a group of breeding ready ambilobe females. high orange, red, or yellow bloodlines preferred, the less green the better. looking to get anywhere between 2 and 6. Let me know. Email me @ [email protected]...
I am looking for some supplemental feeders an have recently noticed how much my chameleons love the extra superworm and mealworm beetles I have. I was just wondering if anyone had any extras they would sell. Looking to get as many as possible. If so PM me or E-mail me at [email protected]...
I love it when chams show super vibrant colors after getting their favorite meal. A few of mine do that but all the others could care less as long as they are fed. Lol. He looks very good.
Yeah with all that said I would for sure get some tests done. Mainly a fecal, because even if they are CB they can still get parasites from plants, feeders that are kept dirty before you bought them and other things. Hopefully you can find out what it is. how long did you have the coil bulb on...
Get hornworms, just buy like 3 of the 25 cups from GLH and get 1/2lb of food. In a week or two you will have 75 hornworms that are 3 or 4 inches long and at least 9 grams which is the equivalent weight wise of like 25 or 30 crickets. Plus almost every cham loves them. And don't worry it's normal...
Hey, I read some of the thread but not all of it. So If what I ask ha already been asked then I'm sorry. When you went to the vet idd they test for anything? URI, Parasites, kidney disease? Did they do x-rays? Also have you seen her drinking? Also what is the temp with that 75watt basking bulb...
I've heard green bottle flies are like 1/2 or 13 the size of blue bottle which are like 2 or 3 times the size of house flies so they are probably the same size as house flies. I know they are small enough for a pygmy to eat, just don't know the exact size. I just culture house flies. Yeah the...
That is pretty steep, especially for the females. The only way I would pay that kind of money was if they were coming directly from the kammers or from screameleons. People pay big bucks for their chams because they have great reputations, consistently produce amazing animals, always sell...
My pygmy love the locust and grasshoppers I catch in the summer that are small enough. They also love the freshly hatched ones that hatch out periodically for me in the winer too. They will shoot prey on sticks. I have locust and grasshoppers in their cages almost at all times. They never seem...
You could always ask the person you are getting the cham from to pick out one of the calmer ones. Their personalities do change once they start mating sometimes and they get a lil more aggressive when females are around but my one little nice guy has been so friendly from day one. One of my...
Out of the 13 adult panthers I have I can hold 4 of them without worry. all the others are either very scared of me and try the I'm going to jump off of your hand move or the I want to kill you and wont let me get near them at all. I have 2 or 3 panthers that are more aggressive than any...
I say keep him and have spider gladiators. When you get a new one put them in together and let them fight until one wins. they you'd have the most bada** whatever kinda spider i is. Lol. J/k I've kept garden spiders before and some type of weird giant brown/white/black spider I found in the...
Do you mean discoid roaches? They are often called false death head roaches I believe. I have a big colony of discoids and feed them off as I would dubia. they only problem with the discoids is that they get larger in general than the dubia and most panthers cannot handle them. I feed three of m...
Females also will not lay if the laying medium is too wet. It isn't "wet" is it? It just needs to be damp enough to hold a tunnel, not like wet sand on the beach. I had a problem with this recently. The soil on top only looked damp but underneath it was very wet from the extra misting I was...
Does he kinda look like the panther in this thread usually https://www.chameleonforums.com/crush-maro-29876/
That is a Maroantsetra at rest, when they fire up they get yellows, brighter greens, reds, and oranges too. The yellow belly just doesn't say ambanja to me when he's slightly fired...
Lots of people use screen because lots of people live in areas where screen is adequate in the US. Some people houses are impossible to use screen cages without a humidifier. I know many northeast/ upper-midwest keepers who use cage with screen tops/fronts and ventilation holes on the bottow...
I'm also in the midwest I suppose, if you can call detroit, michigan the midwest. I just call it the snowy, wet, constructiony, too cold to get chams most of the winter crap hole of a state. Not to mention I always pick up packages at the post office as I have had neighbors see the UPS guy get...
The only time I've seen this happen with silkworms is if they were not cleaned everyday to every other day. I've never had it happen but it does and it is devastating. My cousin lost 1000 silkworms in 4 days flat. The only thing that would eat them after that were his fish, prob not a good idea...