Is this to high


New Member
I have a clutch of panther chamelons from sire ISY MIFOMANGA aka Cool Breeze and the prices are 350.00 for males and 325.00 for females. the shipping is 35.00 overnight. Does anyone think that my prices are to high!!!
If they aren't selling than they're probably too high. ;)

Not to hijack the thread and turn it into a panther price thread again, but in response to panthers being too high in price, I don't think they are. It takes a whole lot of money, time, and effort to raise a ton of baby chams. Cost of breeders, cages, incubators, food, electricity, space. I think panthers are priced just fine.
my 2 cents worth

I think that a secondary gain to the higher price is that, hopefully people put more thougth into the purchasNot just a spontaneous buy.
I think it's pretty expensive but I back up the whole idea of people thinking twice about getting the cham if it's an expensive buy!

I got lucky and only paid $110 for my male nosy be x ambilobe :D
He's gorgeous too
i paid 160 + shipping for my panther.

People are willing to pay more money for strong blood and an experienced breeder selling them.
I think it depends on who the breeder is. For many reasons a well established breeder who has maintained an excellent reputation for years can charge more. This is very common in a free market. In general the price of panthers has decreased over the past 5 years.

Reminder: One account per person.
That is a Kammer line... They are, in my opinion are the best breeder in the country. They are great at what they do so they can charge what they do. It’s like trying to pick out a Toyota vs. a Lexus... The Lexus is basically a Toyota however it’s the luxury version.
The way I see it, is panthers should be priced higher coming from great bloodlines and reputable breeders. Of course other large retailers of panthers can sell them for less because they are not raising them, just buying them wholesale (and you don't know where the bloodlines are coming from).

On that note, for those that breed, raise, and sell their panthers, I think the higher prices are fair. My wife and I run a few businesses to make a living and I can already tell by adding up all the cost in raising chameleons, that the overhead is pretty crazy compared to our other businesses. Not to mention, it takes LOTS of time and care. All in all though, you pay for what you get. If you want to know you're getting a great animal from great bloodlines with lots of care behind the raising of that animal, you're probably going to pay a little more than from someone who buys them wholesale and sells them low.
Quality of the animal and the breeder will make a huge difference in price, for the decerning buyer.
Where you live also factors into this.

When I was the only local breeder, I was able to sell my NosyBe for twice what I expect to get now. Equally good bloodlines. Equally good husbandry on my part. Equally expensive to raise (in the manner I raise them). The only difference is what the market is willing to pay now is less, primarily because the supply is greater.
I paid 300 plus shipping for my nosy faly. But that is a rare locale compared to some of the others. I was willing to pay more for the locale i wanted to work with. I want to keep my locales pure also, so no cross breeding. That of course causes prices to drop. Uneducated buyers see your chams listed for 300 vs cross bred neonates for 125.00 they dont understand why your chams are so much higher. They don't know how hard it is to aquire chams of different bloodlines but yet the same locale for breeding. Some people who just want pets can buy crosses but personally im not interested in working with them. jmp.
That is pretty steep, especially for the females. The only way I would pay that kind of money was if they were coming directly from the kammers or from screameleons. People pay big bucks for their chams because they have great reputations, consistently produce amazing animals, always sell healthy animals, and have great bloodlines. Anyone can breed two top notch panthers together and ask a big price, however the reason people pay that price from others is because they know they are getting a high quality animal that was cared for properly before they bought it. I'm not saying you don't take care of your animals or anything like that. I'm just saying that in order to get over $300 per 3 month old ambilobe you'd have to be doing just about everything perfect and be really well known and highly recommended to sell them all at a price like that. Lots of people breed animals they got that were produced by the kammers and they are not usually as much as a cham straight from the kammers. Lance Lindgren breeds chams from a couple high quality kammers lines and even his hold back gorgeous males were $250 tops. They were like $200 at 3 months old I think. I've only paid $300 once for a cham and is was from screameleons. In my collection I have animals produced by the kammers/ that come from kammerflague bloodlines, screamemelons, the chameleon company, chams nothwest, and more than a few private breeders. Once again I'm not trying to knock you. I'm just saying when there are animals from equally great bloodlines out their from just as knowledgeable keepers for half the price people are going to buy the ones for half the price. I'd still try to sell them at your price, if they sell more power to you, if they don't you can always change the rice. It's not a giant deal anyways. We all think we should get $300+ dollars for our little chams anyways. Lol. Good luck.

If they aren't selling than they're probably too high. ;)

Not to hijack the thread and turn it into a panther price thread again, but in response to panthers being too high in price, I don't think they are. It takes a whole lot of money, time, and effort to raise a ton of baby chams. Cost of breeders, cages, incubators, food, electricity, space. I think panthers are priced just fine.

true, but you could say the same for all chams, right? and many other species, even if CB, are a good deal cheaper than panthers. just an observation, I always thought they were kinda overpriced. then again, the colors of most other chams don't really compare to a panther's.
We sell ours $165 or $175 for males and $145 for females till about 5 months old.. at 6 months old the price goes up a little.
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