Your husbandry sounds pretty perfect to me. I'm somewhat surprised your vet said there was nothing wrong with him.
The fact that he's so lethargic is worrisome. I'm thinking a vet and a stool sample?
The fact that you've only had him a month, and he went on a hunger strike two weeks...
What's the prognosis for a chameleon infected with pinworms? Good recovery rate?
I hope your guy recovers, that's great you spotted it so soon and got him to a vet right away.
I'd do a bleach / hot water soak for those things in your cage that can be soaked. Probably I'd replace the plant...
Are the LLL cages that you're referring to the type with the plastic tubing surrounded by the screen mesh net?
I really couldn't stand those cages. I had all sorts of problems, plus I hate how they look.
Thanks for posting all the info in addition to your question.
Am I reading this right in that you have FIVE lights on your cage? Two UBV, Two Sunglo bulbs, and One 40 Watt? All that and his basking area is still only 84 degrees? Your cage doesn't seem THAT huge that you need that many...
What is she digging in?
Make sure your friend is providing her with a bin of moist dirt/sand to dig a tunnel and lay her eggs. You also may need to give her privacy. Pinning a towel or other barrier up in front of the cage usually works well.
You need to make sure she finishes laying her...
I'm going to post the obligatory "How to ask for help" info. Please fill this out, it will help us help you.
Cage Info:
* Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
* Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is...
Your improvements are looking better.
Like previous posters have said, Chameleons don't come down onto the ground at all. He will always be up in a tree, or climbing on vines. In fact, they like being as HIGH UP as possible!
Put some more plants in your cage (live ones are preferable!)...
How old is your chameleon and how large are the crickets you're feeding him? 5-6 crickets a day sounds fine to me. He's probably eating more out of the feeding cup.
It depends on your feeding cup setup of course, but crickets TEND to not escape from them. If you put them in a container...
I'm glad you got such a cute girl. That's sad she'd been at the petstore so long. I'm glad you got her. She looks really healthy though, so hopefully the petstore was taking good care of her, even if they couldn't tell she was a girl :)