
What lump are you talking about ????????

I think he is referring to the lump (casque) that Veild's have, and why this panther does not have one.

sorry to hear this :( 1 question, in your picture your chameleon does not have the lump on its head like all the other ones i see. why is this?

This chameleon lacks a "lump" because it is not a Veiled Chameleon, it is a Panther.
i just wanted to add, if anybody else looks at this I noticed somebody has said to use vaseline to keep it moist. however,vaseline is a drying agent. KY would be best.

It is taught is mortuary science for the eyes (which dry out first) that vaseline will pull more moisture out. if the eyes are that sensitive i would not use vaseline on a chameleons "inside out parts"

(and no we don't use KY on eyes either, our stuff is called "Stone oil")
As a new Chameleon care-taker, I read this entire thread and appreciate the knowledge I have learned from it.

Inferno, a lot of good came from this discussion and those who tried to steer you in the correct direction. I am sorry for your loss. Hopefully, we can all learn something from your Chameleon.
sad to hear of one passing, but i have had to freeze things in the past i feel horrible for it, but its better than living in that pain for hours. a couple of hamsters got at it i didnt see it till the end one was missing half of his head with only his skull there, and i knew i just had to freeze it. sad true. too harsh? IMO no way. i think freezing is a perfectly good alternative. you get cold you numb up, and since they are cold blooded creatures the will just internally freeze no anything they should just go, but i could never put Ocillie in the freezer it would just tug me too hard =(
LBonowitz. Glad you bring this up. I checked in on this post to see how the Cham faired. Sad to say it didnt.
And yes It was I that said Vasaline. Hmm, funny I must be the only Cham owner that has had this happen and It lived. This was (many, many years ago) and My Chameleon not only survived but lived a very long healthy life! :) after this exact thing happened to it. And I will say this for records sake, I used Vasaline as requested by that vet at the time, (till I could bring it in the next day for help.)
Not only did this non reptile vet successfully save my Chameleon. They gave me some of the best advice known to date for me on that subject. This prolaps happened once, then corrected and never seen again in the 5 years I had the Cham after that! ----I see no one else talking of success here, only death. So dont critisize the only knowlagable success story here, and possibly learn somthing from someone that lived it, & Not read out of some chapter from some book?
Besides NOT all of us NORMAL compatable couples need to have KY hangin around the house! So this may not be an Item everyone has for ready use in a prolaps situation??
Point being here, I have living proof a Cham can survive this bad of a Prolaps. I seen the pic's of this one here and I can say, mine had just as bad a day! Only dif is I did not freez, or uthanize my Cham. I got help and kept it alive. With and from the help of a very experienced Vet. Maybe not with Reptiles but with animal prolaps.
So to supply a statement to Success that all others posting here gave no hope to!! especially of this situation.

To conclude I have never had or seen another problem of my own since that day at my Vet, What I learned and witnessed is and was real.

Inferno: Man, Im sorry for your beautiful Panther. Looks like you had all the other care situations covered for your Cham, what a healthy looking guy to that point. Asid from all that was said your Cham had a chance of survival if proper steps were taken. Anyhow good luck to ya, and keep up from what I have seen, good Chameleon keeping skills. keep the guys you keep hydrated ;)
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Yeah if you don't have KY around, you are definitely missing out. I'd say rather than normal you are deprived!
Ha, thats is off thread topic truly anyhow. :) Deprived Ha,Ha,Ha, & Ha,Ha,Ha, & Another Ha, Ha, Ha,, far from it. :D :p
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