Nice! Don't worry, she'll get used to it eventually. I see you're having the same issue that I was having with the first one that I made with the insects getting BEHIND the screen. It's always annoying when they do that.
And Jurjenfromholland, yes it works for crickets too. They're...
Well, I think you've already identified the problem being parasites. I'm puzzled that the vet gave you medication for parasites... yet didn't TEST him for parasites? Did he pass the worm in his fecal or vomit it?
I would keep him on the medication for the parasites, and make sure he stays...
I've never heard of a chameleon getting a bloody nose before. Odd. Your temperatures and humidity don't sound so off the mark that I would expect that to cause something like this.
Is it possible it could be from an injury? My guess would be "no". If it was from an injury, I'd probably...
This. You get some weird people out there on the internet. It's possible this Troll doesn't even HAVE a chameleon. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen someone pull something like this on an internet forum.
At 4-5 months old, your Veiled is pretty much in the "sweet spot" in terms of how much he'll tolerate handling. Training him now is definitely what you want to do.
I have not had experience with this personally, but I've read other blogs (sorry don't remember where or I'd post it) that one...
Were all three of these rescues? I hope everything turns out okay. The red guy definitely looks a little malnourished. I hope you're able to get him back up to a healthy weight.
The other two look awesome from the pictures. The Nosy-be (or is it a blue bar amb?) has what looks like an old...
Yeah they will sometimes eject bits of sperm and rub them on branches and things. I've seen that happen a couple times. Usually it dries up so quickly that unless you catch it right after it happens, you miss it though.
On a completely totally anecdotal level I can relate to the varied length of time for poops.
My chameleon had several scary-long periods of no-poop. I don't remember exact time frames, but I think one was over a week. When it eventually came out though, everything looked good and healthy as...
Thanks for posting the Youtube link! The very end of the show mentions a "next episode"? Has that been released yet? I wasn't able to find it. I'll have to DVR this when I get home.
Whatever that thing is on the "top" of the poop looks sort of like that bizarre thing on the "bottom" of the poop from yesterday. I have no idea what it is, but it doesn't look completely "normal". It might be worth it to put that poop in a ziplock bag and put it in the fridge, in case you...
Jacksons chameleons seem to have more pronounced hip bones and knees compared to other chameleons, at least to me.
He looks great, other than his colors indicate he's a little stressed out, which is probably normal after being shipped and getting into his new home and having someone take...
I would take him to the vet and get bloodwork done. Your symptoms that you describe sound a lot like what happened with my last chameleon.
- Weakness in back legs
- Occasional falling
- Generally "clumsy".
Otherwise seemed to eat, drink, and have good energy, showed good hydration, etc...
Your first picture reminds me of what happened to my last Panther when he got some sperm plugs stuck in his vent that was irritating it and causing some swelling. It's possible he passed them on his own. Keep an eye out for it happening again next time he poops. He might need help removing...
His eyes look good and he looks well-hydrated to me.
Honestly if you want to know if your chameleon is hydrated or not, usually taking pictures of poop is a better indicator than taking a picture of the chameleon!
Pretty simple!
All you need is a quart milk container, some screen material (easily gotten at Home Depot or Lowes for less than $10) and a hot glue gun (also easily gotten at Home Depot or a craft store for less than $10)
Is this his first shed since being burned? In the second picture all the white looks like shedding skin. I see a lot on his knees and the top of his head as well. It looks like these were the spots he was burned?
It looks to me like he's shedding and the dead tissue from the burn is coming...
Neither of your links are working.
From your description I think I know the Strip Light you're talking about, because I got the same thing, but I'm thinking of ditching it. I only got feedback from one other chameleon owner on here about it, and the breeder I'm getting my chameleon from has...
In terms of raising a friendly chameleon, there are several things you can do. But as previous posters have pointed out, chameleons definitely have personalities, so you never know what you might end up with.
- Get the chameleon used your presence. This largely depends on where it is in...