So I just got a new baby veiled cham today, was wondering if dieffenbachia camille was a safe plant or anyone else has used this type of plant?
pics coming soon
Yeah, that should hopefully be good, im going to be updating to this around May
Also what live plants would be suggestive for a baby veiled, i already have a large hibscus for the bigger cage ?
I found a baby yemen Im really wanting to purchase, it is 3 1/2 to 4 months old my cage is presently 24" tall would this be acceptable for a couple of months ?
current cage
I have a current cage that measures 18"len, 24"wide and 28" tall with 2 screened sides, and a screen top, i made 2 with glass so it would be easier to mist, i have a 100w heat emitter and a 50 watt basking lamp, with a 27 watt ub light. Would that be acceptable for a couple months...
Ive taken her to the vet twice in the last 8 days she has Proteus mirabillis bacterial infection. Im also a MD, the problem with all types of antibiotics is they knock out your immune system and they have such a harsh effect on the liver/ kidneys. With a critter that weighs 44g's its hard...
Yes Warp
Its 88 in the basking area, and only high humid after my misting system turns off, i think my cham took such a hit from the bacterial infection that she is getting MBD. Her tail is very limp and doesnt curl up. and she often has her eyes closed and is very weak and timid where as the...
My Flapneck
I recently purchased a flapneck about 3 months ago kept the cage regulated at 88f and 92 humid, and she is not doing well at all, infact she cought a bacterial infection and now im giving her shots every 3 days, she has eaten in a while. From what I understood from my vet i took her...
So some of you may remember my post about my cham that had the black snout spot. Took him to the vet and iv been giving shots in the arms every 3days. Seems to be tolerating well until today I noticed one of the eyes was not opening. Ive been keeping her well hydrated and fed (baby food with a...
Hello to all,
I recently got a flapneck cham, and she was doing great for a month. She is still very healthy or as it seem, she recently developed a small black patch on the tip of her snout (upper and lower). The next day it was an open wound and im concerned the bottom will soon be. Her mouth...