Don't feed your chams for couple of days, maybe 3, 4 days, and reintroduce the bsfl again, it won't hurt them and if they get hungry enough they will eat them, sometimes it's hard to make them try new things, this always worked for me, they may even fall in love with it so much that later on...
You got beautiful girl there, and yes you may start reading on how often and how much to feed her and the temps to keep her in so she doesn't strain her body with large clutches of infertile eggs, or maybe get a male and breed her, whatever you do have fun as they are amazing creatures.
When I enlarged 1st and third pic, it looks like male to me, reputable breeder will know, you can sex them right out of the egg, it's even easier that way, then it gets more confusing till about 3 months till the bulge start getting bigger. If a reputable breeder said it's a male, it will be a...
Sexual appearance, species recognition, the bigger the casque the stronger his bite, water collection on cooler nights when moisture is collecting on it and flows down to mouth, but I'm sure that there may be more.
I'm not sure if best, but discoids and dubias are great feeders (staple IMHO). BSFL calcium to phosphorus ratio cannot be beat, hornworms the best for hydration, and you can go on and on, the best is in variety as they would have it in nature where they eat bugs, flies, bees, lizards, birds etc...
So I got Morios, they are well feeding on rolled oats, with plenty of apples, potatoes, carrots, watermelon, or cucumber peels. But they don't breed. I got 21 beetles, rehoused them every 2 weeks and also put them in self sorting bin with screen on bottom just to make sure they don't eat the...
He will be fine, if an adult, couple of days will be beneficial for him, in wild they don't always catch bugs every day, if a baby, still ok for a day but buy bulk online, then you will never run out, it's cheaper that way and the feeders are so much better then from Petco in my experience...
I'm in Florida and starting breeding as well, and all I can say that I had shipped some chams from Wisconsin UPS overnight, no problem. And that was about 2 months ago. If you order feeders, they are usually shipped by the horrible USPS and some of mine took weeks, but all bugs came alive thou...