I was watching some great video's on youtube that cover everything you're asking about! Maybe do some looking around? Sorry I couldn't be more help, hope you find what you're looking for!
Hi! Do you give him extra mistings to help him shed? From what I can see it just looks like dead skin, but more photo's would always help. I had a 4 month old veiled who had skin stuck there a couple times. Just my opinion though!
More photo's will also help those more experienced with...
I also use a small bird feeder, it has a small perch on it as well. I usually put it a couple inches down from his favourite hangout! I put most of the crickets in the cup, but leave a couple out, he loves hunting them sometimes :)
It's a large cage for a youngin, once he gets older you can...
Hi! I'm not sure what brand the thermometer is, but it is designed for enclosures. It has a humidity gauge on it as well. If I face it up toward the light, it goes over 100 with a 50W basking bulb 5inches away), which is a concern to me. But the cham I'm talking about is under a 60W house hold...
Hi! My thermometer is reliable I would say, it's only a couple months old and meant for enclosures. I will be picking up some more small cricks this week, he's lost interest in his feeding cup and likes to chase them down now. It's just easier to know exactly how many he's eaten with a cup...