What to do for a feeding cup


New Member
I have had a young veiled for almost a week now. I've seen he has had some trouble with his food.

I have an 8X8 tray on the bottom of his 2'X2'X36" cage that I put crickets in. The container is tall enough, and the crickets are small enough, that they stay in there.

I had been bringing him down on my finger the first couple days and he has happily had 3 or 4 of the small crickets. Obviously he was hungry. The last few days he was more interested in getting off my finger than eating. I put him on the vines/sticks above the cricket tray and he eats 3 or 4 and then moves on up the cage to the top where usually is.

I don't think he is making his way to the bottom of the cage on his own. What do I need to put a feeding tray up higher? What happens when he graduates to bigger crickets that will get out of the tray more easily?
I also use a small bird feeder, it has a small perch on it as well. I usually put it a couple inches down from his favourite hangout! I put most of the crickets in the cup, but leave a couple out, he loves hunting them sometimes :)

It's a large cage for a youngin, once he gets older you can let the cricks roam free for him to hunt, or continue cup feeding, just with a deeper cup! There's lots of awesome DIY feeder cup tutorials on youtube as well.
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