Cham is back after 5 months being outside in winter!!!!


New Member
:D:D Well Guys if you thought our member who lost Yoshi outside after 4 months (in texas, not wintertime) was a great story......
Big Boy left home on July 19, I was free ranging him on the patio and he bailed on me!! I had all but given up hope especially when we have had several nights here in GA in the 20's. I had never stopped looking for him but figured I needed to be realistic... hawks are prevalent here(see them everyday) and temperatures below freezing. All I can say is Thank god for Facebook!! Last night around 10:30 my daughter showed me a pic on FB of a cham, I immediately asked her whose it was?? She said that the neighbor across the street found it in his driveway as he was pulling in, almost ran him over!! I literally grew wings and flew over there despite the hour (their lights were on). And there was Big Boy ina plastic container being warmed!! I actually cried and was tremblling with excitement!! He is safely home now, I think he's got mixed feelings about it!! Probably pissed that his freedom is over but thankful he was found and saved!! I will post pics!! I already had them uploaded but lost the post somehow!!??
wow!! What a trooper!! One tough cham you got there.
Thanks guys! I'm ecstatic, but I don't think he is out of the woods yet! He has colored up nicely, drank plenty last night as he started warming, still has not eaten yet. He has been indoors for about 13 hours. I'll try to attach pics the first one was shortly after he found him. Wife stated he was very pale almost whitish yellow in color. Second pic I took, last night, third I just took. If you guys have any feedback?? He looks somewhat dehydrated, I'm leary about spraying him directly, don't want to get him sick. He had to have been surviving on leaves for hydration, there is really no water out there for him to have drinken. He's sleeping .... which for a cam in the daytime is never great? What do you all think?


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I am glad he has been found. Got one heck of a cham trooper there ! :p Yeah he does look dehydrated a little but it is understandable. You are doing great trying to mend him up. If it is possible, I would try and get him to a good reptile vet and explain what all happend. He might have picked up some parasites considering he is sleeping during the day. The third picture looks like his front leg has some mbd. It migh be just how the picture was taken. Has his leg always been shaped like that?

His survivability has jumped up just by getting him back home. Like you said, he is not out of the woods yet. Prayers to you and your trooper on a quick recovery !!
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