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Big Boy left home on July 19, I was free ranging him on the patio and he bailed on me!! I had all but given up hope especially when we have had several nights here in GA in the 20's. I had never stopped looking for him but figured I needed to be realistic... hawks are prevalent here(see them everyday) and temperatures below freezing. All I can say is Thank god for Facebook!! Last night around 10:30 my daughter showed me a pic on FB of a cham, I immediately asked her whose it was?? She said that the neighbor across the street found it in his driveway as he was pulling in, almost ran him over!! I literally grew wings and flew over there despite the hour (their lights were on). And there was Big Boy ina plastic container being warmed!! I actually cried and was tremblling with excitement!! He is safely home now, I think he's got mixed feelings about it!! Probably pissed that his freedom is over but thankful he was found and saved!! I will post pics!! I already had them uploaded but lost the post somehow!!??