Sometimes they like to do that.. even when they get older. Only issue is they could lose a nail or two if they do it too often and they don't grow back! I'd suggest adding more vines/sticks for him to climb on to keep him busy. If he's still a young cham losing nails shouldn't be an issue until...
I wouldn't be, I'm sure it's coming up soon. My bf has a Faly that took a month and a half to shed! Some are just slow-growers. It's good you keep a shed date to look back on. As long as he/she is eating normally and has nice white urates I don't think there's anything to be worried about. It...
Captive Creations in London Ont. is about to have some Mt.Meru Jacksons available.. I just read that a couple days ago... you should check their fb page! (I'm not affiliated lol) Just sharing info! :)!/Captivecreationscanada?fref=ts
That sounds like heaven! My batch are just starting to get their chirpers it drives me nuts!! Fills the quiet voids though I suppose....
I also just read that "Camel crickets" do not chirp, could this be what they are? They're a bit creepy looking..
poop is a definite way to tell how hydrated they are, if you're not sure post a pic! The half that is white should be very white. If there's yellow/orange you need to up your mistings, what do you use for misting?