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  1. CarlyMK

    Does He Look Healthy

    Stunning! Love the colours
  2. CarlyMK

    Mouth open

    It really depends on the circumstances, I don't think there's enough informaion to assume
  3. CarlyMK

    On the screen

    Sometimes they like to do that.. even when they get older. Only issue is they could lose a nail or two if they do it too often and they don't grow back! I'd suggest adding more vines/sticks for him to climb on to keep him busy. If he's still a young cham losing nails shouldn't be an issue until...
  4. CarlyMK

    My zoo....

    Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing, I think we're all in need of some positive energy!
  5. CarlyMK

    New 13 month old male red ambilobe panther chameleon.. OPINIONS???

    Wow, great enclosure, what is the brown pan at the bottom of the cage??
  6. CarlyMK

    *Warning: Graphic photos* Need Help! Don't know What to Do!

    I really hope that's not what they do at the pet store.
  7. CarlyMK

    *Warning: Graphic photos* Need Help! Don't know What to Do!

    That is so horrible I wish I didn't open this thread. Please seek vet help .
  8. CarlyMK

    Burned spikes??

    I agree, the top of his head will be the first thing to burn if it was indeed a burn, not generalizing at all but jmo!
  9. CarlyMK

    Still has not shed.

    I wouldn't be, I'm sure it's coming up soon. My bf has a Faly that took a month and a half to shed! Some are just slow-growers. It's good you keep a shed date to look back on. As long as he/she is eating normally and has nice white urates I don't think there's anything to be worried about. It...
  10. CarlyMK

    My little dude with "tude"!!!

    He is so cute haha
  11. CarlyMK

    Where to get jackson chameleon in canada

    Captive Creations in London Ont. is about to have some Mt.Meru Jacksons available.. I just read that a couple days ago... you should check their fb page! (I'm not affiliated lol) Just sharing info! :)!/Captivecreationscanada?fref=ts
  12. CarlyMK

    dehydrated baby veiled chameleon

    100Watt day light are concentrated to a couple inches for better basking spots, I think that is much much too hot for her imo
  13. CarlyMK

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Smeagol :)

    Wow, I have to say his colours are amazing!
  14. CarlyMK

    Armstrong's cricks = 'quiet'!!??

    That's just terrible to think about! Who'd do such a thing??? Probably not someone you'd want to leave your cham with thats for sure...
  15. CarlyMK

    Armstrong's cricks = 'quiet'!!??

    That sounds like heaven! My batch are just starting to get their chirpers it drives me nuts!! Fills the quiet voids though I suppose.... I also just read that "Camel crickets" do not chirp, could this be what they are? They're a bit creepy looking..
  16. CarlyMK

    New Cham/Enclosure

    Beautiful!(The enclosure and the cham):) Do you have any issues with crickets hiding or do you cup feed?
  17. CarlyMK

    how can i help keep my veiled cham hydrated ?

    poop is a definite way to tell how hydrated they are, if you're not sure post a pic! The half that is white should be very white. If there's yellow/orange you need to up your mistings, what do you use for misting?
  18. CarlyMK

    scotty's photo shoot

    Wow he is stunning!
  19. CarlyMK

    Pic Heavy: Proteus' enclosure (7 month ambilobe)

    So much room for activities! Love it!
  20. CarlyMK

    Cletus sleeping high quality pic right here !

    He's definitely not dehydrated it's quite clear from the pic, nice looking boy!
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