*Warning: Graphic photos* Need Help! Don't know What to Do!

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Hi everyone, I'm new on the forum, and I have a issue. The thing is my friend bought a (what I'm guessing 2-3 months) Veiled Chameleon because he thought my Veiled Cham (which is 5 Months btw) pretty cool. Well, long story short he left it uncared for and found his cat playing with it. Now its arm is destroyed and its tail is mangled. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to deal with an injury like this.


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That makes me sick... That poor little baby :'(

Find a vet in your area ASAP. That poor little thing either needs medical help to be saved or, as horrible as it would be, to be put out of its misery if it can't be helped.
You need get this little guy to the vet asap...or he/she might get infection and die. He would probably need to get the leg remove...but I am afraid he wouldnt be able to survive for too long...I am sorry...:(
Hi everyone, I'm new on the forum, and I have a issue. The thing is my friend bought a (what I'm guessing 2-3 months) Veiled Chameleon because he thought my Veiled Cham (which is 5 Months btw) pretty cool. Well, long story short he left it uncared for and found his cat playing with it. Now its arm is destroyed and its tail is mangled. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to deal with an injury like this.

If you don't have a vet that you can get to within the next 24hrs please do that little guy a big favor.

As hard as this sounds. Place a nice pile of toilet tissue in a large tuperware type container. Place the little guy on the tissue paper and place the whole thing in the freezer. Do not open the door for about 12 hrs. The little guy will go to sleep and freeze. Its a much more humane way to go than what is to come without prompt veterinary attention.

Advise your friend to not buy any more Chameleons.

Yes - vet, vet, vet, please!
That leg will probably need to come of and he'll need some antibiotics. If he survives, overnight, poor thing. As far as what to do tonight, perhaps one of the forum vets will chime in but I would keep it dry and clean for now. Perhaps even move him into a box or something with paper towel so he cannot climb around and limits his mobility.

Edit - DO NOT freeze the chameleon. Freezing is cold and painful, and studies say that reptiles can survive decapitation for minutes (if not hours, said one source), so the most humane way to do an at-home euthanasia is to crush their head with a brick or something similar. Sounds horrible but it's instant. Freezing is never humane for anything, since your blood starts crystallizing long before you pass out and die.
I cannot believe the poor thing isn't passed out in shock.

Definitely euthanasia...the freezer method is the way I would go...I am in shock by this...

Edit: As stated later, freezing is not an appropriate method - see second page.
Someone give this guy a number for a good herp vet in his area!!!! I don't know where to find the info......
I cannot believe the poor thing isn't passed out in shock.

Definitely euthanasia...the freezer method is the way I would go...I am in shock by this...

NO NO NO NO FREEZER!!! This is NOT humane or quick! Why do people keep suggesting it? Please educate yourselves about humane euthanasia for reptiles.
NO NO NO NO FREEZER!!! This is NOT humane or quick! Why do people keep suggesting it? Please educate yourselves about humane euthanasia for reptiles.

I truly did think that it was a humane (not necessarily quick) way to do so. A slow shut-down of all bodily functions and the loss of feeling during...why is it not humane? I'd really like to be educated further about it.
Rather, it's 8:30 PM here in Michigan and all vets are closed near me...if it's the same time around where they are (didn't check area), the animal could either go the whole night (very possibly a painful death) or be put to "sleep" in the freezer.

What other household method is there? Above all I would definitely say a veterinarian euthanasia, because they have the pre-setative to calm the animal.
Rather, it's 8:30 PM here in Michigan and all vets are closed near me...if it's the same time around where they are (didn't check area), the animal could either go the whole night (very possibly a painful death) or be put to "sleep" in the freezer.

What other household method is there? Above all I would definitely say a veterinarian euthanasia, because they have the pre-setative to calm the animal.

I really hope that's not what they do at the pet store.
I truly did think that it was a humane (not necessarily quick) way to do so. A slow shut-down of all bodily functions and the loss of feeling during...why is it not humane? I'd really like to be educated further about it.

Let me find more but this is a good start: http://www.anapsid.org/euth.html

Freezing has been used as a humane method to kill small reptiles under one pound in weight. Although low temperatures do result in a state of torpor, the formation of ice crystals in the tissue is quite painful. Freezing should only be done to anesthetized animals.

Since it sometimes is, the goal of this column is to promote the use of humane methods and to educate readers that some commonly used methods, such as freezing and decapitation, are inappropriate.

Haven't you ever heard one of those stories of people suriving days on Everest or on other mountains? It's super painful to have a cold face, hands, and feet, and the pain will only get worse and worse as the areas with low blood circulation (like extremities) suffer from frostbite. We can't know exactly how a reptile feels in such cold but it is known that your extremities start to freeze before you die (and indeed, before you pass out), and that can't possibly feel very nice.

Edit - Advice from a vet: http://www.reptilechannel.com/reptile-health/euthanize-herp.aspx

It is thought that herps may feel pain as ice crystals form in the tissues during the freezing process. I don’t recommend this method.
I truly did think that it was a humane (not necessarily quick) way to do so. A slow shut-down of all bodily functions and the loss of feeling during...why is it not humane? I'd really like to be educated further about it.

The problem is, ice crystals start forming in the tissue and bursting cell walls before the cham is totally unaware or unfeeling. This is painful and not as quick as we might think, given a herp's resistance to torpor.

I know it does sound awful, but the quickest way to dispatch a small animal like this at home without access to a vet is to crush the brain and spinal column. For a herp that becomes slowly less agitated when cooled down I wrap it loosely in a paper towel, put it in a dark box in a cool place until it goes into sleep mode (no light, temp drop). Then crush it.
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