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  1. CarlyMK

    My first chameleon

    He's a big boy! I like his name too haha. I'm glad you're moving him to a screen enclosure, the one he's in just won't due for his age and size, not enough climbing places! Make sure to upload more pics when he gets his new home :)
  2. CarlyMK

    Looking for blue bottle flies in Canada

    I looked all over the site and it said NOTHING about not shipping outside of the US, they have to had just added that because I was contacted and refunded today after 5 days thinking I was getting the order.. hmmph! It's so difficult to find variety feeders in Canada, quite a task. If you find...
  3. CarlyMK

    "orvokki" and the cricket

    Thats a funny picture haha, great! You should enter it in the photo contest!
  4. CarlyMK

    Another Problem With Free Ranging: Video Evidence

    Love the vids! I wouldn't be opposed to seeing more!
  5. CarlyMK

    I got green boogers!!!

    Love the pictures!
  6. CarlyMK

    Some Crew Pics!

    They all look happy and healthy, great colours too!
  7. CarlyMK

    Oliver Update

    Not bad pics at all! He looks great!
  8. CarlyMK

    Looking for blue bottle flies in Canada

    I am from Ontario, I haven't had any luck finding a supplier here, I've done some research and this is where I've ordered from: I'm still waiting for the shipment in the mail, its been about 3 days now. Most will be hatched by the time they get...
  9. CarlyMK

    Update on nosy be's

    So cute! Take lots of pics they grow up fast!
  10. CarlyMK

    baby love

    Thats so cute, love it!
  11. CarlyMK

    problems shedding... black scabs??

    Sounds like you're saying he may have some open wounds on his back? I don't think shed aid will help if that's the case. Someone may chime in if you upload some pics to look at.
  12. CarlyMK

    He has no name yet, but he's my first

    He's awesome! I love the blue!
  13. CarlyMK

    Azteca the Ambilobe

    She's beautiful! And sassy haha
  14. CarlyMK

    Just wanted to introduce myself :)

    Welcome! Pics would be great!
  15. CarlyMK

    Information Needed

    Uploading photo's for cham information for another member
  16. CarlyMK

    Jumping Cham.....oh my!

    I have been in the same boat. My little guy took a fall not too long ago, he wasn't that high off the ground and landed on carpet but it gave me a heart attack. I felt sick about it for days, it made me feel like a terrible cham owner. I'm sure he will be just fine, these things happen sometimes...
  17. CarlyMK

    getting my first panther chameleons tomorrow:-)

    Exciting! Make sure to post photos and names!
  18. CarlyMK

    Looking to buy AZ Raindome, would like to see space usage on top of your cages!

    I'm looking into buying Aquazamp Raindome (Low profile) and would like to see what kind of space it takes up on the top of your enclosures. I know this topic has been talked about to death but it's hard finding video's and photos showing the actual size when added to the already crowded cage...
  19. CarlyMK

    Restless Panther

    This is so funny! I have the exact same issue! My 4mo old Faly is so restless before he goes to bed, not so much this week but almost every night last week. He will run around up and down the cage, not super fast but he sure makes it around. I really think it's just extra energy before they go...
  20. CarlyMK

    Switched to Repashy Calcium Plus - Baby Panther Cham not adjusting well?

    Hi! Thanks for the reply. I made sure I researched this product before I bought it. The breeder I got my cham from recommended it, as well as on Kammerflage Kreations, one of the site sponsors spent years doing research on the product to see what effects it had on their chams, they now fully...
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