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  1. dude2


  2. duder


  3. bassjunkie

    new veiled cage .. switched and now eating plant not sure if save?! HELP

    I had a problem with my chameleon eating plants until i started providing fresh kake, mustard or collard greens every day. He eats quite a bit, and is no longer interested in the plants. I'm glad the plant your guy ate is not toxic.
  4. bassjunkie

    home made cage, what do you think?

    very nice cage! I really like the design of your cage, could you post larger pictures? I've been thinking about building a cage of similar design. If you don't mind sharing a few of your secerts of course!
  5. bassjunkie

    55 gal tank

    I have my uvb bulb on a clamp lamp so it shines through the screen.
  6. bassjunkie

    55 gal tank

    Hey I have a chameleon that's almost a year old and i've been keeping him in a 55g setup with a mesh front since he was a baby. I turned it on its side so the screen top is a sliding door. (I'm about to move and upgrade his tank to a full screen). He's been doing pretty well in it, even...
  7. bassjunkie

    How do you keep your plants healthy and thriving?

    I'm having a hard time keeping my plants (umbrella and pothos) going. Does anyone use an organic fertilizer or have any tips on healthy plants?
  8. bassjunkie

    what fruits/vegetables do you feed your veiled?

    Jim, i noticed my veiled started eating a lot of ivy when he was about 3 months old. I thought it was cause he was dehydrated, but I guess some chams just like plants/veggies. I just started offering him mustard greens and he went right for them. You might put some in his cage with a veggie clip...
  9. dude1


  10. bassjunkie

    what fruits/vegetables do you feed your veiled?

    thanks everybody!
  11. dude


  12. bassjunkie

    what fruits/vegetables do you feed your veiled?

    Is there anything to avoid? I want to start offering my veiled some veggies cause he constantly eats my ivy. Just want to know what the best options are or what other chams seem to like. Thanks everybody!
  13. bassjunkie

    Zoo Med Drip Vines

    That's funny, I just put put a section of fake plant in the plastic tube in my dripper so the water drips down the fake plant slowly. Same idea.
  14. bassjunkie

    chameleon's head turning gray

    Thanks!! I see what you mean. I feel much better! Guess I hadn't noticed that coloration before. Really cool looking chams- thanks for sharing :)
  15. bassjunkie

    chameleon's head turning gray

    just curious if anyone else has seen anything similar? here is the info on my cham and setup: Your Chameleon - male veiled, ±5months, had him for 4 months. Handling -handle him about 1x a week Feeding - feeding 10-15 small crickets a day, gut loaded on whole oats and veggies Supplements -...
  16. bassjunkie

    chameleon's head turning gray

    I've had him about 4 months and he's shed recently. the gray discoloration was there before and stayed after he shed.
  17. bassjunkie

    chameleon's head turning gray

    help! can anyone tell me what is causing this or if i't's something to be worried about? it's turning grayish white on the front of his casque and the ridges above his eyes, and it goes past his eyes to the back of his skull. see picture My cham is about 5 months old, eating and drinking and...
  18. bassjunkie

    pothos mountain project..

    Thanks for posting! great idea! what is the foamy stuff you use? Like the brand name?
  19. bassjunkie

    couple concerns- experienced keepers please comment

    thanks folks. Here is a picture of him and of the setup. I think i have all the basics covered but i'm a little concerned cause he's been darker than i've seen him before and i'm not sure whether it's cause he's growing and changing colors as he ages or if it's stress because of something wrong...
  20. bassjunkie

    couple concerns- experienced keepers please comment

    Your Chameleon - Veiled cham, approx. 3 months, had him for 6 weeks Handling - handle him every few days by guiding him onto my hand Feeding - 10 crickets/day Supplements - Calcium dust, 2x/mo Reptivite, 2x/mo Calc+D3 Watering - I mist the cage by hand 3/4x daily until it's pretty wet (30...
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