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  1. Chamster

    All the foods hornworms eat

    I think I'm just going to feed my horns some mulberry leaves. I got plenty of it... Btw I tried raisin silkies but all eggs never hatched... Not sure why.
  2. Chamster

    home made misting system

    just buy the MISTKING'll save everyone a headache.
  3. Chamster

    All the foods hornworms eat

    i just want to be completely clear of one thing because i have no problem getting access to it.... can i feed hornworms mulberry leaves or not? i got about 20 trees right outside my house so i would be very happy if i don't have to think about hornworm food ever again.....
  4. Chamster

    Eye issue!!

    my friend has the exact same problem....doesnt know why either
  5. Chamster

    Veiled Chameleon shedding spines + bleeding!

    i had the same exact problem with my 2 year old cham....sadly the chameleon died as he stopped eating after his back spines pealed off completely..... he used to eat a lot but once he lost his spines he didnt eat as much and died. as a result of not eating he became very weak...became blind...
  6. Chamster

    picky eater?

    cutting him off seems to be the best idea. If you got cut off of food, youll eat pretty much anything if youre very hungry.
  7. Chamster

    Grasshopper success

    where in the world do you guys get those grasshoppers. i looked everywhere for them and for those colorful locusts but i got no luck...........WHERE..................
  8. Chamster

    panther vs. snake

    that was very interesting,,, but ill bet if that was a veiled chameleon im pretty sure it would have attacked the snake cus its so much more aggressive...
  9. Chamster

    butter and wax worms heavy food?

    I forgot to mention that the 2 inch cham fell the entire hight of the cage straight from top to bottom. The cage is 4foot high.... Could that be the reason why it doesn't want to eat??
  10. Chamster

    butter and wax worms heavy food?

    he didn't eat anything today unfortunately...didn't know even the slightest bit of interest.. i don't think he's shedding because his skin looks extremely new. where can i find the questionnaire???
  11. Chamster

    toads as feeders??

    going back to carnivores and insectivors......i see a lot of people feeding their adult chameleons small mice....which means they could be carnivirous...dont you think....
  12. Chamster

    butter and wax worms heavy food?

    i highly doubt hes thirsty just because there is a misting system installed.. sprays every 2 hours.... i think he might be shedding idk....thanks for the tip.... p.s. congrats on game 1 vs sharks. :)
  13. Chamster

    Baby won't eat

    Any comments about my post?? Baby Cham didn't wanna eat today?
  14. Chamster

    butter and wax worms heavy food?

    i got a 2 month old veiled and yesterday was the first time i give him wax and butter worms. yesterday he ate 3 crickets which 2 of them were half inch, a wax worm and a butter worm. today he doesn't wanna eat anything so i was wondering maybe he ate too much or that stuff was heavy in fat...
  15. Chamster

    Baby won't eat

    i got my cham 2 months old and he's eating i fed him wax worms, butter worms and crickets...... and its still not 2pm yet. its him first time eating wax and butter worms...didn't even hesitate to munch them down.
  16. Chamster

    Shiny as a new penny.

    oh they still eat while theyre shedding im still wondering...
  17. Chamster

    Shiny as a new penny.

    chams looks great... im in the exact situation you are in. i got the same cham with the same age, i also got him about 2 weeks ago... i didnt see him shed yet tho. im waiting for that moment if i catch it in time....
  18. Chamster

    The Best Veggies For Vields?

    try banana or something if thats ok
  19. Chamster

    The Best Veggies For Vields?

    i dont think thats going to work simply because they will just pick off the worms and leave the fruit... maybe let the chameleon go hungry a little and then provide the fruit, that way they are somewhat forced to eat it and its good for them.. from this point on they are familiar with it and...
  20. Chamster


    actually this is something that i have been wondering about for a couple of years now...i just never thought to ask this question....i too would like to know if its ok.
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