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  1. steviejcsc

    nylon mesh

    I got a roll of pet screen at home depot for like $8
  2. steviejcsc

    New Baby Panther set up!

    The heat is ok for a baby? I know adults need it a bit warmer?!
  3. steviejcsc

    New Baby Panther set up!

    Hey everyone! So I have started building my baby panther set up. So that by the time I get the permit I will be all set to put a little cham in the cage! The cage is a 16x16x30 reptibreeze (I believe) aluminum cage. I am ordering a 18 inch 5.0 floresent and a new hood. Also I am...
  4. steviejcsc

    Anyone going to the New England Reptile Expo?

    Yea, it's not huge, but it's slot of fun! Not sure about chams, I talked to lll reptile and they will be there! Hope they bring chams!
  5. steviejcsc

    Chameleons in Massachusetts illegal?!?!

    Yeah!!! Talked to fish and wildlife today! I can get a permit! Woohoo!:D
  6. steviejcsc

    Attacked by Chameleon gang

    Sounds like a prison break to me!!! :rolleyes: Great story
  7. steviejcsc

    I'm so EXITED!!!

    HAHAHA, nice!
  8. steviejcsc

    Chameleons in Massachusetts illegal?!?!

    Thanks so much! I did not think I could get a permit for a pet! I will give it a try!
  9. steviejcsc

    Anyone going to the New England Reptile Expo?

    I will be there! Can't wait!
  10. steviejcsc

    Chameleons in Massachusetts illegal?!?!

    Nope, no chams sold in pet stores!:mad:
  11. steviejcsc

    Chameleons in Massachusetts illegal?!?!

    I looked at a permit, but I am not using it for anything other than a pet... and it says no permits issued for pets??!! This is a real bummer.... Should I just buy one?
  12. steviejcsc

    Chameleons in Massachusetts illegal?!?!

    I having been thinking about picking up a new chameleon, but I do not want this to be a problem...
  13. steviejcsc

    Chameleons in Massachusetts illegal?!?!

    hahaha! I can't imagine that it is enforced that tough.......
  14. steviejcsc

    Chameleons in Massachusetts illegal?!?!

    This is interesting... I don't mean to bring back another thread, but really illegal in mass?? So what happens if you own a chameleon in a state where they are not legal?
  15. steviejcsc

    New pro mist system!!!!

    Should I buy and use big jugs of spring water? Like I said my water is VER HARD here!!! It ruins everything it touches...
  16. steviejcsc

    peonies Plants

    check here:
  17. steviejcsc

    New pro mist system!!!!

    My tap water is too hard to use, distilled is bad??
  18. steviejcsc

    New Pyg enclosure

    Any lighting suggestions?
  19. steviejcsc

    ZooMed UVB Hazardous

    This is interesting...... I have a 5.0 and the last chameleon that I bought had this happen with 2 day of recieving it. The breeder thought it was not lighting but something else. I wonder if it was indeed the 5.0 light....
  20. steviejcsc

    New Pyg enclosure

    my reptile room stays about 68-70 so these guys should be fine... I just have a genaric reptile fixture and light going..... I may buy a panther cham from lll reptile, maybe I can get some springtails this way?
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