I'm so EXITED!!!


New Member
My veiled Jay Jay ate out of my hand for the first time today!!!!!:D I have been trying since i got him a month ago. It was awesome!!!
Congrats!! I remember when I had a Cham. do the same thing for the first time.......an experience that is never forgotten and never gets old!!
Try different feeders but sometimes you just have to be patient. Keep your hand in there for up to say 10 mins and then try the next day. But once you get him going keep it up for a few weeks

Try hiding your hand behind some leaves, and if it's an older animal (not a baby) you can try skipping a feeding to make sure he's nice and hungry when you try. Don't be disappointed if he won't, not all chams will.
I had to leave my hand in there for like 5 mins everyday and he would never take it but today he was basking, so i grabbed a cricket and put my hand in there and he took it instantly...it was so awesome!
Try different feeders but sometimes you just have to be patient. Keep your hand in there for up to say 10 mins and then try the next day. But once you get him going keep it up for a few weeks

What this guy said :D

I had to wait for what seemed like forever (5min prolly) before my veiled would slowly manuever close enough to take a shot at a cricket I was holding. I think it might help to use superworms as they are easier to hold and wiggle alot. Also, keep the feeder directly infront of you so your cham can see you and the feeder in it's sights. Sometimes they won't go for the feeder because they are too cautious of the keeper. Chams use both eyes to target their feeder and if your on one side smiling and whispering to yourself,"come on baby, do it for daddy" they might be too scared to lock on to the feeder.

Oh, and congrats on the first hand feed. My first time hand feeding I did a fist pump to congratulate myself. I suggest you do the same if you haven't already.
Congrats on the 1st hand feed=D So far my lil guy will only take mantis from my hand. If you haven't tried those you should, fastest i ever see my guy go to get something lol
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