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  1. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    Thank you!! Do you know how long the process is for the to make eggs & then lay them?
  2. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

  3. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    Thanks! The vet had told me when they are 6-12 months to feed them as much as they would eat, so I would 😭
  4. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    It’s only about 8 inches away from the light, & I changed the bulb. And she ate at 930 & 330-4 when my daughter got home from school
  5. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    Yea, the vet said everything looked good. I posted details of everything at beginning of thread
  6. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    I’m going to see if there’s any others in surrounding areas
  7. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    The one listed in Indianapolis is the one I took her to. They just called me back and said I could bring her in to treat her with antibiotics n they’d show me how to give the injection. & I have to give it to her every 3 days, I just don’t know if I’m comfortable with doing that. She hates to be...
  8. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    That’s what i originally thought too! And that’s why i had them do the ultrasound. She said she had a bulge in her belly that could be eggs, but after the ultrasound she said that it was just gas in her stomach 🤔 but I’ve never been around reptiles at all, she’s our first one. & just trying to...
  9. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    So I brought in stool samples from the day prior, she said it was too old to test, and that she would just go ahead and give her the parasite meds. I just requested all the records, they said it could take up to 3 days to send it. But they’d get it it asap. So as soon as they send it I’ll upload...
  10. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    Thank you so much!! Yes she has a bin! It has organic soil, sand and coconut fiber mixed! I’m calling the vet now to see if they can email the ultrasound!
  11. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    Do you have any recommendations?
  12. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    I hope not too! The vet just really didn’t seem to know what she was talking about. She didn’t test them, just went ahead & treated her. I called her yesterday and she said we could start antibiotics ( by injection every 3 days) which I don’t feel comfortable doing myself 😫 & no the vet said...
  13. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

  14. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

  15. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

  16. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

  17. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

  18. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    They didn’t give me a copy of the ultrasound. Should i request it? & I’ll upload her cage as soon as I get home!
  19. mbarbie24

    Sick chameleon

    Hey! I’m needing educated recommendations for my panther chameleon! She’s been sick about 6 weeks, loss of appetite, dehydrated, closed eyes, lethargic. I’ve taken her to the vet 2 weeks ago, they did an ultrasound to check for eggs. (None seen) they treated for parasites just in case. They...
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