The one listed in Indianapolis is the one I took her to. They just called me back and said I could bring her in to treat her with antibiotics n they’d show me how to give the injection. & I have to give it to her every 3 days, I just don’t know if I’m comfortable with doing that. She hates to be...
That’s what i originally thought too! And that’s why i had them do the ultrasound. She said she had a bulge in her belly that could be eggs, but after the ultrasound she said that it was just gas in her stomach 🤔 but I’ve never been around reptiles at all, she’s our first one. & just trying to...
So I brought in stool samples from the day prior, she said it was too old to test, and that she would just go ahead and give her the parasite meds. I just requested all the records, they said it could take up to 3 days to send it. But they’d get it it asap. So as soon as they send it I’ll upload...
Thank you so much!! Yes she has a bin! It has organic soil, sand and coconut fiber mixed! I’m calling the vet now to see if they can email the ultrasound!
I hope not too! The vet just really didn’t seem to know what she was talking about. She didn’t test them, just went ahead & treated her. I called her yesterday and she said we could start antibiotics ( by injection every 3 days) which I don’t feel comfortable doing myself 😫 & no the vet said...
Hey! I’m needing educated recommendations for my panther chameleon! She’s been sick about 6 weeks, loss of appetite, dehydrated, closed eyes, lethargic. I’ve taken her to the vet 2 weeks ago, they did an ultrasound to check for eggs. (None seen) they treated for parasites just in case. They...