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  1. pemmiecan23

    What should I feed my chameleon if no food

    I order my feeders from different websites. is great and they often have sales going on for bugs. I usually order my dubias and hornworms from them. I also like if im looking for more variety (red runners, silkworms, etc). Shipping is fairly quick and ive never had a...
  2. pemmiecan23

    *ALL MEMBERS* Contribute Pics for CF "Good Morning" Social Media Posts

    Some shots of Dumplin hunting for bugs!
  3. pemmiecan23

    Is this a male or female

    It seems the question has been resolved but I wanted to chime in... I also say female :). Her colors are gorgeous. For reference ive attached some pics of 2 of my juvenile female panthers, bonnie and dumplin, just to show how much females can vary in color. Bonnie is the orange one, while...
  4. pemmiecan23

    New keeper here!

    Welcome to the forum!! And congrats on your beautiful new girl!! What's her name?? It can be very overwhelming being a new Cham keeper, especially with females and egg laying but do not worry, we are all here to help. All the people who replied above are super knowledgable and will help make...
  5. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    It's been a lil bit since my last post but I wanted to give yall an update on my two! Herc has been going through the winter blahs for the past few weeks :( . Too cold here to take him outside for some rays of sun but hoping that it starts warming up soon... He's mid shed right now and I can't...
  6. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    AWWWWW I just love his curious lil face!!!!!
  7. pemmiecan23

    I’m Oliver

    Wow what a journey you and this little guy have been on!! The setups are beautiful. Where did you get the metal rack that you have them on?? ive been looking for something similar. Oliver is beautiful and the progress updates have been awesome!! Hope the lil ambilobe is doing great too!
  8. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    Here's an update on Herc! His colors have changed a bit since his last shed. He's fired up in these pics and he's got much more yellows! I think he's somewhere around 7 months old, I think he's a bit younger than Bert and Bart. I weighed him this morning and he was 88 g. I've been *trying* to...
  9. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    omg I am DYING at the cuteness of baby Bert and bart 🥲
  10. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    Right?? Herc seems so much bigger than my other male was at 8 months... :ROFLMAO: I guess the dam "Big Girl" really lives up to her name and makes some big boys!!!! Both of your chams are gorgeous btw :love:
  11. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    He is stunning!!!! 🥰
  12. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    Has anyone been able to breed grasshoppers? Ive been collecting the eggs and putting them in a separate container with sand so the adults don't eat the eggs but other than that I have no clue what I'm doing LOL
  13. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    Hahahaha I like to joke that Herc is like a sour patch kid. Sour then sweet lol. He's a bit of a moody teenager right now so he's a little more feisty than usual but I love his personality! He is a passionate little fella. He HATES the camera and fires up whenever he sees me taking a photo lol...
  14. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    Hello everyone! Hercules has begun shedding today!!! I've been looking at all your posts and it is amazing how different all of the babies look!!! I can't wait to see how he looks after this shed. Bonnie should start shedding soon too -- she is just the sweetest little girl I have ever had. Her...
  15. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    No he didnt eat it, I took it out after 15 minutes of no interest. I will try removing the legs! He can be picky sometimes, unlike Bonnie who will eat anything you put infront of her :ROFLMAO:
  16. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    yeah he was definitely wary of it. as soon as it jumped around in his cage a few times I could tell he did not like having it in there. oh well, more for the other chams! Herc can stick to his dubias :ROFLMAO:
  17. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    Hercules got his first grasshopper today and he fired up with more colors than I had ever seen. Look at those battle stripes on his face!!! :eek:
  18. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    Hercules was giving me the ultimate puppy dog eyes today so I Just had to give him a treat. And bonnie was showing off her pjs last night, and it sorta looks like she has blue eyes! 😆
  19. pemmiecan23

    Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

    Wow, I'm jealous!! A beautiful enclosure for a beautiful guy!!
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